Part I. Felix

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All readers are advised to read the description of this book for the trigger warnings that will be written throughout. Please do not read further if gore, character death, and dystopian/apocalyptic themes are sensitive to you.


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Felix stares into the eyes of the person ahead of him, doing his best to try and calm down as the world itself falls apart around them. They were locked in their shared apartment with a chair shoved under the door handle, listening to the screams echo in the hall.

Felix listens to the television ahead of him stream with the same message it had repeated for the last three hours, giving people last minute knowledge to prepare for the worst. A deadly virus was airborne within Seoul and it's surrounding bodies, infecting everyone it touches, but only consuming it's host once it's made contact with infected saliva. Footage of mutating bodies with bloody tears streaming from their eyes was all over the media, breaking loose at a hospital in Busan before storming its way towards densely populated Seoul and wreaking havoc.

It's only been three days since the first person was infected, but now, with its widespread and quick infection rate, almost half of South Korea was doomed to fall under the will of the virus. Felix had spent hours calling his friends earlier in the day, checking in on everyone, pleased to hear that everyone was safe and healthy, but that did little to calm his nerves as he listened to chaos break out within his apartment complex. Someone had died on the floor below and turned into a flesh-hungry runner, storming the halls and biting anything that dared to move.

Felix didn't see it, but he could hear everything. He could hear the screams, he could hear the cries for help and the pounding on apartment doors as people rushed to find safety, but Hyunjin shoved a chair beneath their door's handle, preventing anyone from coming in or leaving.

Felix was gently rocking back and forth on the bed with tears streaming down his face, trying to block out the screams just outside of the door, knowing fully well that people were dying outside of it.

"Felix–" Hyunjin says calmly, one arm wrapped around his body, the other settled on his wrist. "Relax. It's alright. We're safe here."

Hyunjin, Felix's boyfriend of two years, has sat and tried to work Felix through his meltdown, soothing his skin with gentle touches that suddenly turn numbing the longer his hand moves. Felix was staring at the television ahead of him, glued on the headline that had been passing by the screen nonstop. He couldn't describe the fear settling beneath his skin at the moment, wondering what went wrong for a virus like this to break loose from a lab.

The news anchor had described the virus as a blinding agent, claiming that the first target of the cells is to destroy the retinas, rendering its victim completely blind. Over time, the patient will bleed from their eyes and then their heart will stop, every single organ shutting down in the process as the virus practically eats them alive.

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