chapter twenty-eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Finn Mikaelson smiled as the weight of his little brother nearly knocked him over with his hug. However, he dropped his bags, allowing the boy to fully embrace him. "I guess I was missed in my absence."

"Finn!" Elyza yelled, speeding into the kitchen at the sight of the brother-in-law she hadn't seen in what seemed like forever. The heretic tackled the original, sending them both flying to the ground. Finn landed with a thud while Elyza rested on top of him. "Oh, I've missed you."

Finn rose from the floor, offering Elyza a hand. Taking it, she dusted off her pants. When Finn turned around, he was met with the faces of the rest of his family. Or at least almost everyone. "And where is our sister? I figured everyone would be awakened by now?"

Elyza glanced at Elijah and then back down at the floor. She knew that Elijah intended on his family staying together so the two weeks since Rebekah's leaving had hit him hard. So instead of letting one of the Mikaelson brothers answer, she did. "You know she always wanted to leave and find a family for herself, brother. She left to do just that."

"I take it you came for a reason, brother," Klaus spoke, taking a seat on one of the barstools in the kitchen.

"I suppose I did," Finn admitted. He dove into one of the bags on the floor and pulled out a black container. "The cure to vampirism," Finn stated, sliding the container to Klaus. "So Henrik can return back to being a witch."

Klaus stood, making his way to his eldest brother. He pulled him into a hug, the weight of Henrik's death falling from him finally. While he wasn't the one who killed him, the original hybrid felt as if it was his fault. If only he didn't feed his little brother his blood. But now, finally, that guilt was stripped from him. Henrik could return to his witch status.

"Klaus?" Bonnie called from the doorframe. She hadn't been there initially, but seeing that the entire family had disappeared from their bedroom, she made her way to the kitchen. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Kol chucked from the stood beside his wife. "Already been called aside for talks, brother?"

Elyza smacked her husband on the side of his head, resulting in a small smile from Klaus. He nodded to Finn, leading Bonnie into another room. She swiftly placed a silencing spell up, ensuring that no other Mikaelson would be able to hear them. At least not now.

"I don't mean to separate you from your family now that Finn is back, but I need someone to channel," Bonnie confessed. She led him into the office where she already had candles surrounding a picture of Mina in a circle. "She hasn't called me in three days and the last time she did, she sounded upset. I just want to make sure she's safe and I think she's cloaked herself."

Klaus placed a hand on her back, trying to soothe her. "Have you talked to Elyza? I'm sure she knows. I make no promises, but I believe I heard her talking to your cousin mere hours ago. I don't mind helping you, but I'm sure Elyza already knows the answers you're looking for."

With a wave of her hand, the candles died. To get past Mina's powerful cloaking spell, she would have to remove it. And the last thing she wanted was to remove a cloaking spell that was there to protect her. So, she had made up her mind. She would simply ask Elyza.


"Could you ask her?" Bonnie asked. "We both know she hates me."

Klaus nodded. "As soon as I find out an answer, I'll let you know," The original moved closer to Bonnie, tangling his arm around her waist. "I'm sure your cousin is fine," He whispered in her ear.

Bonnie blushed, pushing away from him. She could feel him smirking even though she was avoiding his eyes. "After what I found out about Davina, I need to go talk to her again today. Plus, I hear that today is the day they will complete the Harvest if they can find her. Will you be here when I get back?"

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