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Niu Dabao is like this, so are the other people in Yunzhou. Not to mention anything else, the princess alone was afraid that everyone would be cold, and the kang taught everyone saved so many lives.

The same is true for the soldiers of Yunzhou.

In the past, who didn't rush forward with his head on the belt of his trousers? But now Yunzhou is different.

Let's just talk about the armor, the weapons, and the food. More importantly, at the beginning of October, a batch of winter clothes arrived.

Furthermore, Yunzhou has now started to take the road of a "mall", and merchants from all over have begun to gather in Yunzhou City to sell their own things, because the government of Yunzhou has special encouragement documents, and business tax is in Yunzhou. will be less than in other places.

With people, there will be people who do business, and there will be people who make money by doing business, even those who live in the mountains, also began to think, now there are all kinds of iron agricultural tools, improved ploughing tools , it's easier to work than before. Wouldn't it be better to leave only a few people to farm at home and the rest to go to the city to find work?

When people have ideas, they can't sit still. Therefore, the entire Yunzhou, starting from Xujiang County, began to have vitality.

This is all because of Her Royal Highness! Since Yunzhou returned to the territory of Her Royal Highness, things have gotten better.

Like Yunzhou, Qingzhou next to it, and Lingzhou next to Qingzhou, aren't you envious? They have long been envious of many policies.

So, is it a bad thing for Her Royal Highness to be the crown princess? Just looking at her revitalizing Yunzhou, she is already a material to be an emperor. Yunzhou definitely supports Her Royal Highness as the crown princess, and whoever dares to object, their cavalry in Yunzhou are not vegetarians.

So like this, like this, like this, the soldiers of Yunzhou held the idea of ​​​​living and dying for Her Royal Highness, and then when they met the Qiu family in Xuzhou returning to Beijing in Jizhou City in Yuzhou, they instantly became noses instead of noses. Eyes are not eyes up.

This time, the lord of the Shen family in Yunzhou, Shen Liu, who brought troops back to Kyoto from Yunzhou this time, was the one who brought Yunzhou iron cavalry to Wutu's lair, a natural warrior.

Looking at Qiu Bin on the opposite side, he showed a very disdainful smile, and randomly ordered someone to take out the steel crossbow arrow given by Her Royal Highness.

"Shoot a few rabbits to add a dish to the other side later."

Steel Crossbow Shooting Rabbit - Overkill.

But Shen Liu just wanted to show off.

No way, this kind of steel crossbow, only Yunzhou has it.

Then again, it's a knife. The soldiers of Yunzhou are now equipped with the swords from Her Royal Highness Princess. It is said that the swords are made from the essence of the sword and the Tang sword, and the name is called the Yunzhou sword.

This name is very popular among the soldiers of Yunzhou.

This kind of knife can smash the armor they wore before, which makes people feel very safe. Therefore, after Shen Liu shot the rabbit in front of Qiu Bin, he began to sharpen and grind his knife.

While grinding and eating rabbits, he said to Wei Bin, "Uncle Qiu Shi, why are you returning to Beijing in person? Where is brother Qiu Hao?"

Qiu Bin praised his son with a smile, "He has been able to protect Xuzhou independently, so I dare to come back. Why, why did your father let you come? He hasn't been back to Kyoto for many years, right? I thought that this time Can you see him?"

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