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Early April is the season for sowing.

Early rice starts from the end of March to the beginning of April, and the seedlings are raised. The premise of all this is to have water. Therefore, in the absence of water this year, some are still planting rice according to the traditional method, and some have started to plant dry rice.

The water requirement of dry rice is not very high, but it is very high for other land and seed conditions. From the year before last, Shen Li began to study the seeds of dry rice, and after doing a lot of research, he finally succeeded.

The seeds focus on drought resistance, cold resistance, disease resistance and lodging resistance, so that they can adapt to drought. Then there is the chemical fertilizer, this kind of dry planting, the seeds are very important, and the chemical fertilizer is more important, so Shen Li's busy eyes are circling every day.

In the end, it's time to choose a place. The method of dry planting is different from that of ordinary rice. Ordinary rice must first raise seedlings and divide the seedlings, but dry planting is not. It directly omits these two steps, and then plant it on the land suitable for it.

Shen Li has already written the booklet. This year, students from various agricultural ministries rushed out to start teaching in various prefectures. They did not even participate in the Plenum of the People in March.

As an iron rooster, Sun Xiang also made concessions for the development of agriculture, and gave Shen Li all the support. She approved how much money Shen Li wanted, so she was angry when she saw the people in the Ministry of Agriculture, and even when she saw the farmers, she was angry.

——The iron **** in their hands was the money she approved, so they could buy it with an interest-free loan. Who knew that after buying it for a few years, it was time to repay the money, and there was another natural disaster, and Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess ordered the exemption Silver this year.

——The chemical fertilizers in their hands were also newly released this year, and when they encountered such a disaster year, they took credit again.

Anyway, this year's discount to farmers is full.

Therefore, these farmers, relying on the account-free background of Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess, can still stand here and gossip to the people around the Crown Princess - go out and inquire about it. After a few days, I am afraid that the ground will be covered with bones.

She once thought that it was time to attack at such a time, but Her Highness the Crown Princess and the Emperor both shook their heads, "It is not suitable to fight in a disaster year. When a plague occurs, it means that the army of a country will never return."

Zhe Qing is not only worried about human epidemics, but also about swine fever and plague. If there is swine fever and plague, it is really over. Such things as swine fever cannot be cured. Even in the 21st century, it is still a difficult task, and it cannot be eliminated in a short time.

Therefore, in order to control the occurrence of various plagues, the propaganda department also began to work overtime to print the methods to prevent the plague.

The surrounding areas were dispatched from Kyoto, and other places were given orders from Kyoto. At this time, Zhe Qing felt that Yudu was still inconvenient.

Get ready for a replacement next year.

On the April day, the sun has already dried a little, the continuous rain in previous years has disappeared, and even the cloudy day has dissipated, and the sun is very big.

Zongtong held an umbrella for her, and she also felt hot. Sun Xiang saw that Her Royal Highness was sweating on her forehead, so she couldn't help but fan her. It was still hot.

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