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I was engrossed in completing my homework, comfortably settled at home. As I neared the end, my phone suddenly erupted with a flurry of activity. Curiosity piqued, I swiftly glanced at the screen, only to discover a multitude of notifications flooding from Instagram.

As soon as I opened the app, I noticed that my followers had tagged me in a post. My curiosity piqued, I clicked on it and was overjoyed to see what it was. Without a second thought I jumped up and started doing my happy dance, which I had created myself.

After receiving the invitation from Tabina, I couldn’t contain my excitement. I immediately took it to my various social media platforms to share the news with my followers. It was a momentous occasion that I simply had to share with the world.

As soon as I posted my announcement, My best friend reached out to me in a frenzy of emotions. Her voice echoed through the phone, filled with exhilaration and joy, as she couldn’t contain her excitement any longer

My best friend asked if she could accompany me to avoid any potential conflicts with other girls and because she would be bored without my presence to tease her and annoy and tease her.

After hanging up, a delightful surprise awaited me in my inbox- an email from Tabina. Eagerly I opened it and discovered her message. “Hey I just wanted to let you know that I’ve gone ahead and booked a first class flight for you and your best friend. It may have been a splurge, but I wanted you both to enjoy this special treat.”

Over with gratitude, I immediately texted my best friend, urging her to start packing her bags, for she was about to go on the incredible journey with me. I was just about done packing my bags as I have to catch a flight tonight and reach my destination tomorrow, where the “Friends with Benefits” reality show will be.

As I stood at the airport, I eagerly waited for my best friend to arrive so we could board the plane together. It was important to me that we didn’t have to take separate flights, and I couldn’t wait to get started on our journey.

Once my best friend arrived at the airport, we quickly made our way to the airport's stores to purchase the items and essentials we had forgotten back home. As soon as our flight was announced through the intercom, we rushed to board the plane. Exhausted from the events, I dozed off even before the aircraft had taken off.

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