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The tickle session had left me breathless, my chest heaving with laughter as I struggled to regain my composure. Gasping for air, I rummaged through my bag to find my inhaler, the familiar routine bringing a sense of relief as I took three quick puffs to ease my breathing. 

As the giggles subsided, I carefully placed the inhaler back in my backpack, my attention drawn to the room that had now quieted down. 

Ida and Nadia were nestled on my bed, their embrace a comforting sight that warmed my heart. In our close-knit group, cuddling with the girls was a common occurrence, a bond that brought us closer together. 

I joined them on the bed, settling at the foot of it and kicking off my shoes, feeling the softness of the blankets beneath me. 

Just then, Benet entered the room, her presence exuding a sense of calm that washed over us all. She joined the cuddle session with Ida and Nadia, the three of them forming a cozy trio as I began to change into my pajamas, the warmth of friendship filling the room.

"GYATTTT!!" Ida exclaimed dramatically, making me laugh. She shuddered, rolled her eyes playfully, and stared at my butt. "Nice ass," she teased, getting up to give it a squeeze and a rough slap.

"Ouch, Ida! That actually hurt!" I protested in a slightly exaggerated baby voice, pouting and gently rubbing the spot where she had playfully hit me.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you that hard," she quickly apologized, pulling me into a warm hug and gently rubbing my backside to soothe the sting.

"Alright, Ida, that's plenty of touching for now," Nadia interrupted, gently nudging Ida aside and positioning herself in front of me. She firmly grasped my neck and began planting sweet kisses on my lips repeatedly. Just as the moment intensified, Benet playfully declared, "It's my turn now," and swiftly wedged herself between Nadia and me.

Their playful antics made me burst into laughter, but I had to gently detach Benet from me since she had surprisingly strong muscles. Plus, the fact that I wasn't wearing pants made the situation even more amusing. Meanwhile, Ida mischievously took the opportunity to playfully tease me by touching my booty cheeks.

As soon as I managed to push Benet away, I hastily adjusted my pajama shorts and gracefully made my way out of the room, with them trailing behind me like lost puppies. Descending the stairs, my gaze immediately fell upon Kee, and I couldn't resist the urge to approach her. Engaging in a lively conversation, we laughed and joked around, allowing the tension to dissipate. However, to my surprise, Kee suddenly turned to me with a serious expression, leaving me utterly perplexed.

"Oh my gosh, it just dawned on me that I should be furious with you right now," she uttered, averting her gaze. I couldn't help but burst into laughter, fully aware that she was merely teasing me.

"Why?" I inquired, trying to maintain a sense of calm despite the turmoil within me. "Because I can't stand the thought of you being snatched away from me as if you were meant to be my girlfriend solely for the sake of winning this challenge and claiming the prize money," she clarified, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

"I understand, and I promise I won't allow them to separate us any longer, starting from this moment," I assured her, pulling her into a tight embrace. As we stood up, I made sure to act swiftly, knowing that Tabina's watchful eyes could catch us at any moment and result in a deduction of money from our total.

 Kee had just finished editing her video, her eyes still glued to the screen as she made the final touches. Meanwhile, I lounged on the couch, engrossed in my phone, scrolling through social media. Time seemed to slip away as we both indulged in our own little worlds. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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