Chapter 16

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I quickly went to my room to change something Presentable , then I go to my brothers to tell them

Crystal: oppa!!

Her brothers look back at her and asked her if what she need

Jin: yes princess?

Crystal : y'all remember my friends in Thailand tang I told you

Suga: aren't they Cla-

Crystal: Claire!!!

All of them flinched by her sudden loud voice

Jimin: hey chill

Rm: what up on her

Crystal: someone texted me saying she is Claire

Suga: it could be any Strangers

Crystal: no oppa she send me a photo of us and she also said one thing that only the real Claire knows

Jin: ok then what she said

Crystal showed them the whole conversation

Jungkook: we will come with you

Tae: yeahh it's for your own better

Rm: fine let's go

All of them went outside and hump to their fancy limo..

30 minutes later

They all arrive at the cafee

Rm: are you sure she's here

Crystal: of course I am

While crystal looking at Claire she notice something

Crystal went inside and as she expected she finally saw her best friend..

Crystal: Claire (she said making sure it's Claire)

Claire looked at her and smile

Both of them are so happy to see each other..

Crystal: so Claire what actually happen

Claire: I'm sorry I didn't Fulllfil My promise (she said crying)

Crystal: hey it's ok we can still fix everything (trying to comfort Claire)

On the other hand

Bts look confused as they don't know what is actually going on and what happened to crystal's past..

Time skip 3 hours later

Crystal: it would be better if you stayed at our house

Claire: wait I can't

Jungkook came over to interrupt them

Jk: why not

Claire : uhhh it may not be comfortable for your brothers crystal

Jin: no it's fine Claire

Crystal smiled

Crystal: see , it's ok you can stay with us

Claire: ok then

5 days pass

As Claire and crystal bond together they also think what are there other friends doing

Crystal and Claire went to suga and the others

Crystal: yonggi oppa

Suga look back and

Suga: hmm?

Crystal: could you help us to trace our friends

Suga: sure why not

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