Female Tropes #1

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This is probably gonna be a hot take, but let me cook, there will probably be two or three chapters with multiple sections.

But feel free to correct me if I f*ck something up in my assessment.

First female trope I'm gonna go over is.....

SECTION (.1) The Best Friend

Now typically I don't really mind this trope, most of the stories I read do it well, but that's when anime comes in.

I've started watching this anime called Maken-Ki (60% Fan-Service, 30% Action, 10% Story), and the main character Takeru is meeting back up with his best friend "Haruko" as they are now going to the same school, that is just now becoming Co-Ed.

I'm only on ep 10 (soon to be 11) as I'm writing this, but Haruko has to be probably the worst friend I've ever seen. Takeru and Haruko were very close when they were kids, but had split apart somewhere down the line when they got older. They're still friends, but she seems to only be patient with him because of that friendship.

So far she's been shown to get jealous anytime he shows interest or gets close to another woman, mainly his self-proclaimed fiancee, even going out of her way to try and push him out of her life in the second or third episode (I forgot which one). She's basically a Tsundere and the very few who ready other book know how I feel about that.

So from my point of view, the female "Best Friend" is a lot more willing to get upset at the boy they knew for years and practically push him away all because she isn't getting a lot of attention. I can't speak too much about this category since I haven't watched much of the show yet or seen any other anime that does this.

But I'm willing to guarantee that the female will also get mad at her male counterpart if he ended up forgetting about her, like how Chi-Chi got mad at Goku for forgetting about her despite the fact that so far, they've only met once and never spoke or hung out together after that initial meeting; on top of Goku not being the brightest and having much more important things to deal with during that time (i.e. the red ribbon army, King Piccolo, training, etc.)

I'll add more to this section later, the next section I'll be talking about is....

SECTION (.2) Wasted Potential

These are the female's in the main protag group that have so much potential to be more than they are, but are reduced to being nothing more than the damsel in distress:

Kid Sakura with her annoying ass fan-girling over Sasuke and unwillingness to take the Ninja World seriously, even after encountering Zabuza and seeing how hard the people of Wave Country had it, and having the audacity to treat Naruto like shit when he's practically the only other person who treats her like a friend apart from Ino.

Then you have Orihime who has the most broken ability to reject anything with her ability, yet for some reason, seems to be unable to defend herself when she needs to fight alone. Maybe it's because of her gentle nature or some other factor I'm not aware of, but she needs to lock in and start using her ability to it's fullest potential; as well as stop relying on Ichigo to save her.

I don't like the idea of having these seemingly good, strong female characters being put to the sidelines just to make the Male Protag look good, it's practically a waste of time to make a strong female character if you're just gonna make her useless against anyone that isn't an NPC, A Competent Fighter, or practically anyone who isn't at her skill level or above.

There's not much about this section I could go further into, mainly because I don't know what else to say, so let's go into the next section....

SECTION (.3) Rias Gremory

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