Female Tropes #2

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Alright, part two of the female Tropes, this will probably be the last one as I won't have much to say. Any other opinions will just be added onto this one if I forget something.

Now, how about we start with a trope that I'm pretty sure almost everyone is getting fucking sick of...

Section (.1) Abuse = Comedy

(Apparently characters like this are called "BokoDeres" which I'll get back to.)

This is an obvious one; The Protag does/says something stupid or insensitive, whether on purpose or on accident depending on the character, and the female reacts in kind by either berating them or beating the shit out of them while berating them.

This has to be one of, if not THE, most hated tropes in anime because its played off as a joke and makes the Protag look like a bitch, no matter how many feats they have. And it's even more infuriating when they are supposedly a friend of the Protag or at least considerably close to them; let me indulge you in a few examples.

Sakura Haruno

She constantly hits, insults, and berates Naruto without any remorse for mostly stupid reasons with only a few of them being justified. During their time as genin, she would always be on Sasuke's dick and never give Naruto the time of day, despite the fact that he's extremely nice to her. A few of these examples include:

- Joining other fangirls in beating up Naruto when he was pushed into Sasuke, which accidentally made them kiss.

-  Shoving Naruto out of his seat when he tried to greet her in order to get to Sasuke.

- Smacking Naruto after he nearly hit a bunny with a shuriken when he heard something. (Ignoring the fact that he was not only bummed out earlier, but that the bunny wasn't even supposed to be there)

- Punching Naruto when he lied to the Konohamaru Corps about being her boyfriend (Never once thinking that he was possibly joking so he could briefly entertain the idea for the younger kids.)

- Punching Naruto when he needed to use the bathroom in the Forest of Death (Though it was only partially understandable since he didn't think to use a bush, but she could've easily told him that instead of hitting him. Plus she wouldn't have minded if it was Sasuke.)

- Punching Naruto when he referred to Lee as "Uni Brow Guy" or "Busy Brow". Doing this after Lee defended her and feeling as though she owes him her life, even though she was quick to deny dating him because of said eyebrows and calling him a weirdo prior to the beginning of the Chunin Exams.

- Hitting Naruto in the nose when he wanted to open up their scroll right away during the second part of the Chunin Exams; instead of taking away the scroll or just yelling at him not to open it.

A/N: ("I'm currently using evidence from the manga pages from a source on Quora, the user who provided this is called Shafiqul Islam". The ones at the bottom weren't in the source though)

- Attempting to leave the village to go along with Sasuke when he abandoned the village, then having the absolute NERVE to make Naruto promise to bring him back.

- Breaking up her friendship with Ino because both of them were crushing on Sasuke. The same person who cheered her up when she was being mocked for having a big forehead.

- Never going out of her way to actually get to know Naruto and always having a negative opinion on him, not even having any faith in him during the Chunin Exams or in general until he proves himself.

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