General Tropes #2

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Alright, another chapter of tropes that are shared through various characters no matter the gender. So let's just get this trope out of the way by starting off with three tropes that tick me off and can easily be put together. Starting with....

Allergic to Training/Improving

This is where a character is automatically strong due to a power that was given to them or a power that they were born with because of their lineage. Depending on the age, they usually do some form of training, if only to get their power to a controlled state before stopping all together. These traits are found in characters like Rias and Riser from Highschool DxD (as an example) who believe that, because no one has ever beaten them before, they have no need to improve themselves as no one would be able to beat them.

Depending on the character, when they are beaten, they either have an attitude adjustment and actually go out of their way to change/improve themselves or they stubbornly remain in their same ways and never change. This doesn't just apply to people with super powers, this could also easily be applied to characters who have powerful weapons or artifacts and heavily rely on those, as well as characters who actually do train but never really surpass their limits or push themselves to do more than they could handle (especially in the case where they are dealing with threats they won't be able to beat easily).

Power Dependency

This is basically where there characters rely heavily on their abilities, rather than using them when they are actually needed. And it's not just that, but it also just applies to shows where "Power" is everything and you're practically worthless if you don't have one or you're looked at differently depending on said power. Let me just provide some examples.

My Hero Academia - A world where Quirks are everything; your life is practically worthless if you don't have one, you're immensely underestimated if you have a weak one, God forbid your quirk has even a hint of looking/sounding villainous and you're looked at as some sort of prodigy if you're born with a strong one. Let's not forget that in the very first episode, we already get a glimpse into how quirks are viewed with Izuku getting bullied and taunted for not having one while wanting to become a hero. along with Death Arms, Kamui Woods, and Mt Lady doing nothing against the Slime Villain because they were waiting on someone with the "right quirk".

Then you have Toga, who was seen as a freak by her own parents and had to put on a facade and heavily neglect her quirk for years until she snapped, Hero Society in MHA is nothing but jaded and corrupted because they are extremely power reliant. It's even worse when you take into consideration that citizens aren't allowed to use their quirks in self defense and even the police don't use their quirks. The only way to be able to use your quirk without getting in trouble is to become a hero and you'll probably have to train your quirk in secret just to get it under control depending on the power.

Highschool DxD - Nearly every character has an over reliance on their abilities with the possible exception being any one who is a melee fighter or weapon user, for example, people like Rias and Riser are overconfident/arrogant because of their family's strength, along with having powerful Peerage members. If Issei didn't have a sacred gear then Rias wouldn't even bother with him, the same could probably be said for Asia as well.

I'm pretty sure there are other anime that have the same things going on, so I'll just move onto the next section.

Abuse/Harm caused by Ignorance & Arrogance

This is the trope where a character is mistreated for something like paranoia, fear, sadness/grief, lack of / unwillingness to understand, ignorance, arrogance and sometimes for absolutely no other reason than they can.

I hate this trope with a burning passion because for the times that I've seen it in fiction or even read it in other stories, I can't help but get angry at a character(s) who willingly harm another person just because they lack common sense.

Let's go over a few examples:

Naruto - Bullied and Shunned some dickhead let it slip that he was the container of the Nine Tails, leaving the ones in grieving to make his life harder than it needed to be over something they had no control over. This went on for ten years, more than enough time for people to get over their grief and think logically, and they didn't stop showing their mistrust until he saved them from Pein.

Izuku Midoriya - Was bullied by his former best friend and classmates due to the fact that he was quirkless and wanted to become a hero; said friend only being harsh with him because he was an arrogant piss baby who had a superiority complex cuz of his quirk, and an inferiority complex because of a self thought misunderstanding during the one instance when Izuku was concerned for his safety as children.

Himiko Toga - Was looked down upon, and possibly mistreated, by her parents due to her quirks side-effect. And instead of getting help to manage her quirk in a more healthy way, her parents merely took the easy way out and had her hide her quirk in order to put on a facade of "normalcy". Due to not getting help with her quirk, it most likely affected her mental health to the point where her warped perception of love and obsession with blood caused her to kill her crush and drink his blood afterwards.

Rock Lee, Might Guy, Might Dai - All were looked down upon and possibly mocked in one way or another because they had little to no talent in terms of ninjutsu or genjutsu. Might Dai was given the mocking title of "The Eternal Genin" during his run as a ninja and Rock Lee was always mocked/teased about his "lack of talent", even TenTen had no faith in him beating Neji because he was a "Genius/Prodigy".

Peter Parker - The Spider-Man who can't really seem to catch a break. He's been bullied and beaten up by Flash (depending on the universe), betrayed by The Avengers after Doc Ock took control of his body (Superior Spider-Man), Isn't taken seriously by other heroes because of his coping mechanism, and had Mary Jane essentially taken away from him by a guy named Paul when they got separated after they sent to another dimension (I think), where she then thought that Peter wouldn't have come back for her.

This trope is just headache inducing and while I may not hate it, I can't say that it doesn't make some stories more satisfying in the long run when Karma comes to collect her dept.

Character Tropes That I HateWhere stories live. Discover now