General Tropes #3

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Let's start this off with a trope that doesn't make sense.

Killing Villains = Being Villainous

This is the trope where the good guy gets sick and tired of dealing with a villain's shit and wants to put an end to it, but there are two factors to this that make the trope so annoying.

1. The hero has the inane belief that if they kill a villain, most likely their archenemy (*cough* Batman & Joker *cough*), then they think that they won't come back if they cross that line.


2. Villains having the audacity to have the moral high ground and gaslighting the hero into keeping them alive because killing them wouldn't be "heroic".

Both of these reasons are fucking stupid because it only shows that either the hero has a naive sense of morality or a lack of self control. Batman doesn't kill the joker because he doesn't have as much self control as he thinks he does, because he's so convinced that killing the one person; who continuously causes trouble for him and is responsible for thousands of possible deaths; will suddenly make him go on a killing spree.

Then there's the arrogant villains who have the absolute gall to tell their hero (who most likely has a naive sense of justice) that killing them would be wrong because that would make the hero just as bad as the villain themselves, which is wrong; if anything, heroes killing villains that are known to cause great amounts of damage would be heroic, because even if they don't like it, they are doing what they need to do in order to prevent more casualties in the future.

It doesn't make any sense to keep a very dangerous criminal alive just because you don't have the common sense to stop a problem before it gets even worse. Heroes should be willing to set their morals aside for the betterment of the people they are defending, even if they don't necessarily like or agree with it.

Hitting The Injured

This is a variant of the "Hitting the Protag" trope where the people closest to the Protag would, despite them being injured, hit said Protag because they either did something reckless or risked their life for the sake of their friends against their wishes.

It makes no sense to further injure an already injured person just because they worried you, if you're gonna hit them then at least wait until the Protag is fully healed or just scold them WITHOUT physical contact while they are recovering so they can think about how their actions affected you while they recover.

Yapping to / Lecturing a Weakened Opponent

This is when the MC has their opponents on the ropes and is so close to victory, all they need to do is deliver the final blow, and then all of the sudden they start running their mouth to the enemy just to insult them or point out their flaws. Of course villains/antagonists in media do this as well though usually it comes from a place of arrogance, misplaced confidence, or stoicism; including mentor like characters as well.

Now normally, depending on the show, the enemy would be seconds away from death so it wouldn't really matter. But that cannot be said when the MC is yapping off to an enemy is only WEAKENED and then get surprised when the enemy catches a second wind because of some unknown factor. I don't know about other people, but this mainly annoys me because of how avoidable it is.

Goku and Vegeta, as an example, have a bad habit of doing this whenever they get the upper hand; Goku because he either gets bored/wants to pass the fight to someone else or because he wants to lecture the enemy about why they're wrong | Vegeta because he tends to gloat about how strong he is and likes to kick his opponents while they are already down.

This usually leads to them getting even more beat up and damaged by their opponents like when Vegeta had gotten dog-walked by Perfect Cell or a more recent one when Goku had to go up against Moro, who was able to retrieve his disembodied hand that was able to copy Merus's abilities, one of which included the former Angel's Ultra Instinct, because the Saiyan thought it was a good idea to power down and lecture the planet eater about why he was so weak.

And I'm gonna say this now, Vegeta definitely deserved that win against Frieza in Resurrection F and even the win against cell, but it was because he started talking did he lose his chance: lost his chance to kill Frieza because he wanted to start fucking monologuing while the lizard still had enough strength to blow up the planet and lost the opportunity to kill Cell because he started gloating & let his pride get in the way.

There are most likely other examples, but DBZ is the only thing that came to mind.

Bullied/Wimpy Protagonist

Self explanatory: Main characters who's whole purpose are to just be brought down and show no sign of changing or wanting to improve themselves.

Bullied protagonists irk me in some way because at the beginning you feel bad for them, but then you kinda stop caring once it's obvious that they aren't going to change and get out of the situation that they were put it. I actually hate it when protags, mainly in fanfiction, go back to being all weak and meager when they come face to face with a bully they haven't seen in years.

Don't even get me started on the Wimpy Protagonists whose whole personality is being a little bitch and only showing bravery once in a blue moon.

The best example would be Takemichi from Tokyo Revengers, or what I will call him: the one character that MHA haters or non-anime fans think Deku is.

(A/N: Like seriously, people give Izuku so much shit for being understandably emotional for the first couple seasons or for a quick gag, yet Takemichi cries more than he does.)

Takemichi, as far as I know, is probably one of the wimpiest protagonists when it comes to the world he's in. He constantly gets his ass beat or is crying over something, yet the most damning thing about him is that he can't fight. Though I'll give him props, he is definitely brave for constantly getting into conflict knowing damn well he doesn't have hands.

(( A/N: I'm gonna end this chapter here as I am way overdue for posting this and forgot the other things I wanted to say.))

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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