Chapter Two

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Jonathan's P.O.V

"We lost her Jonathan" Derrick stated while I still tried to reach out to my sister through the mid-link.

Great! Just great they lost Anthea. And out of all the times it had to be now? I try to rewind to the events of this evening. I just got the news that our parents had been slaughtered while they were on their way back to the Kingdom. But who could've done this and why? What would they have wanted with our parents and will they be coming after our Kingdom? So man questions ran through my head as I thought of what to do next. 

When the current ruler of the werewolf Kingdom passes the crown automatically passes onto the next heir which coincidentally falls onto me, I have trained for this moment my whole life but am I truly ready to rule over a whole species? All I'm thinking about now is finding whoever or whatever did this to my parents but first I have to get things in order or our Kingdom will go into chaos and especially if people find out their King and Queen were purposely targeted and murdered. And then there's the first problem, the wolves lost Anthea, what a great start to becoming the new heir to the throne. I stand in thought for a second trying to sort things out in my head. 

"Ok first things first, we track down my sister. No harm must come to her not after my parents. Derrick I want you to send Tristan to track Anthea down, tell him to take a few wolves if need be." I gave Derrick my first command as head. Tristan was his son and next to be right hand man, he is to be my right hand man but because things weren't passed down officially yet I still had Derrick at my disposal. 

"Chloe, I need you to await the bodies of the late King and Queen, which is scheduled to arrive shortly. Notify me once it does." I nod to Chloe as I turned around to walk up the stairs, making my way to my father's office which is soon to be mine, with Derrick right behind me. 

Unknown P.O.V

Beautiful! She was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes upon, and when I say this believe me I mean it. I've walked among this earth for 3,000 years and have never seen such beauty. Her eyes fluttered shut, her beautiful long lashes, her plump pink lips pouting, the way she lay above the big rock she fell on top of. The beautiful creature lay unclothed in all her glory such perfect skin that shone clearly in the moonlight. I wished  nothing more than to caress her soft skin but for now I will just observe and wait.

Tristan's P.O.V


I smell her. We're getting closer boys. 


As I reach a lake I've never seen before, I come to a halt. Behind me I hear the other wolves all stopping as well. Amazing I've lived by this area all my life and have never seen this lake, it was so beautiful, looking down at the water the moonlight glistened and danced along the surface. 


Tristan! What is this place?

I don't know, I have never seen this place before. I reply.


Mind you, we're all still in wolf form so we speak through our mind-link. I sniff into the air and catch Anthea's scent once more, the scent getting stronger towards my left, I follow it towards this huge rock at the cliff of the lake. As I climb it, I see a figure lying above it. Anthea. Thank the Moon Goddess, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to her, she was the most beautiful were-female I had ever met. The first time I saw her I decided to make her my mate one day, no one knew how I felt about her but I planned to change that soon. As soon as I shift into human form, I turned towards the other wolves.

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