
393 24 21

EDITED; 12th Aug, 2024


Ah yes... the upcoming festival at the carnival. It was the talk of the school, a day that everyone—students and teachers alike—had been eagerly anticipating. The air was filled with excitement, a kind of electric buzz that made the days leading up to the event feel like an eternity. Everyone seemed to have their plans set, their outfits picked out, and most importantly, their partners chosen. Well... everyone except for (

To her, the festival was less of a dream and more of a nightmarish reminder of her solitude. Sure, a few people had asked her to go with them, and she was grateful for their offers, but none of them felt right. The idea of spending such a special evening with someone she barely knew just felt... off. She couldn’t imagine making small talk with some random guy from school she hardly knew, much less enjoying herself. So, she decided she’d stay back, let the others go and have their fun while she found comfort in the familiar solitude of the empty school.

"(" A voice snapped her out of her thoughts, making her realize she had been staring blankly at her phone screen. "Hm? Oh, sorry," she muttered, her mind still a bit foggy from her daydreaming.

Miles was sitting beside her, a slight smile on his face as he watched a news clip on his phone. "Spider-Man once again saved the day by rescuing not one, but two buses full of passengers as he fought off another villain! How lucky are we to have such a hero?" the reporter exclaimed, her voice full of admiration.

Miles glanced at (, noticing the way her brows were slightly furrowed, a clear sign that something was bothering her. "What's up?" he asked, his tone soft and concerned.

"Nothing... It's just—I don't know." (’s voice was quiet, almost as if she wasn’t sure how to put her feelings into words.

"Is this about Spider-Man?" Miles asked, leaning in a little closer.

"No... Well, partly, but no. Definitely not," she replied, her thoughts clearly jumbled.

Miles set aside his Math textbook, giving her his undivided attention. "Talk to me. It might help, you know."

Without much hesitation, ( began to vent, her words spilling out in a rush. "It just doesn’t sit right with me to be saved by someone I barely know. I mean—anyone could be behind that mask. Literally anyone. Even you."

Miles chuckled at that, a playful glint in his eyes. "Maybe," he said, his voice teasing, "but you know you can trust him since he could possibly, maybe, be your one and only."

"Exactly my point!" she said, her voice rising with frustration. "It couldn’t possibly be you. You're the most awkward guy I’ve met who’s never given up on rizzing people up because he thinks it’s cool even when he’s been rejected fifty times."

Miles winced at the brutal honesty but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. 'Wow. Great, supportive friend who’d never give up on you, right here!' he thought sarcastically.

"What does all that have to do with Spider-Man? You think he’s cooler than me?" Miles asked, a smirk playing on his lips as if he were challenging her.

"No... Well, yes, actually—but no." She paused, her pen scribbling random lines on the back of her notebook as she thought. "I mean—he’s so prideful because he’s sure of his capabilities, which... isn’t bad. He’s so determined in everything, almost as determined as you! Except, with a mask on his face." She stopped, realizing she might’ve said too much.

Miles was about to say something, but before he could, she blurted out, "...And honestly, I admire that about him."

Her words left Miles speechless, his mind racing. 'Hold up—did she just admit that she likes me...?'

An awkward silence settled between them as they both tried to process what had just been said. "( don’t give me that look," she muttered, noticing the way Miles was staring at her.

"But..." Miles started, his voice hesitant, "I thought you said he could be a bad guy...?"

"That’s not what I said!" she quickly corrected, her tone a bit defensive. "I just meant that there could be a possibility that the person behind that mask could be a janky old broke hobo man with nothing to do in life." Her words were blunt, but there was a hint of humor in them.

Miles chuckled, finding her honesty endearing. "Besides, it’s not like anyone knows his age. He could be a third grader for all I know. Or heck, maybe even someone in his eighties."

"He’s a teenager," Miles corrected her, making her raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"How do you know that? That’s strictly forbidden in a hero’s life; letting an ordinary civilian know your identity."

"For someone who hates Spider-Man, you sure are trying to learn plenty about him, to the point you found that out," Miles teased, earning a light slap on the arm.

"Seriously, how do you know?" she pressed, her curiosity getting the better of her.

After a brief pause, Miles finally spoke. "We uhh... We met before during his uh—patrol! Yeah. Patrol. He told me that he’s a teen just like me. And now we’ve been best buds ever since."

"Lame excuse," ( said, her skepticism evident.

"And how would you know that?" Miles challenged, narrowing his eyes with a playful smirk.

"It just doesn’t sound right. There’s a big patch you haven’t filled in," she explained. "And besides... If that’s really true, then I expect you to invite him to dance with me during the end of the ceremony."

"Deal!" Miles said with a grin, shaking her hand firmly.

But before ( could return to her books, she felt the warmth of Miles' hands gently holding hers. The sudden contact made her heart skip a beat, and butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

"Hey, I’m pretty sure you never complained about Spider-Man from the beginning. So, what’s with the new mindset?" he asked, his voice soft and genuinely curious.

( hesitated, unsure whether to open up or not. But as Miles gently stroked her hands, his touch comforting, she felt herself relax. "You can always trust me with anything. You know that, right?" he reassured her, his smile warm and encouraging.

With a heavy sigh, she finally spoke, her voice tinged with sadness. "I don’t think you’ll need to get Spider-Man anyway."

"Why is that?" Miles asked, his concern growing.

"Because I don’t have a partner. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in the middle of friends and lovers while alone. It’s gonna be awkward. Which is why I’ve decided to stay."

It took everything in Miles not to laugh, but the effort was futile. He burst out laughing, making ( frown in annoyance.

"Really, Miles?"

"What? I—it’s just funny," he managed to say between breaths.

"And why would it be?"

"Because your resolution won’t be useful at all."

"What? Why?"

Instead of answering, Miles turned to face her fully, their hands still intertwined. He took a deep breath, a soft smile playing on his lips as he spoke.

"( (," he began, his voice tender, "will you be my date to the carnival?"

Guess who's back? That's right! And I'm more creative than ever hence making more chapters and stories! Ty ty thank you sooo much for being patient with me for 2 whole months!!! I'll do my best. Have a wonderful time wherever you are with whoever or alone!

>> Luv CR

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