
197 13 23

EDITED; 12th Aug, 2024


The carnival was a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds, a perfect backdrop for what felt like the best day of Miles' life. The air was thick with the scent of cotton candy and popcorn, punctuated by the shrieks of delight from children and the steady hum of carnival music. But all that faded into the background for Miles, who couldn’t tear his eyes away from (’s radiant smile as they wandered hand in hand.

Their fingers intertwined naturally, as if they were made to fit together. Miles led ( through the labyrinth of rides and stalls, his heart soaring each time her laughter rang out. They hopped from one ride to the next, the world spinning by in a blur of lights and motion. He insisted on winning her a Spider-Man plushie, grinning triumphantly as he handed it over, proud of his skill—or perhaps just happy to see her face light up.

The bumper cars' arena was a chaotic whirl of flashing lights, loud crashes, and bursts of laughter, but in the middle of it all, Miles and ( were locked in their own playful battle. The small, neon-colored cars zipped across the smooth floor, colliding with sharp jolts that sent squeals of delight into the air.

( gripped the steering wheel of her car, her eyes narrowing as she spotted Miles across the arena, his grin wide and mischievous. He was weaving through the other cars with surprising agility, his focus entirely on her. She bit her lip, trying to suppress a smile as she spun the wheel, trying to outmaneuver him.

But Miles was faster. He swerved sharply, cutting through the crowd with ease, and in a sudden burst of speed, he slammed his car into hers with a satisfying thud. The impact jolted (, sending her car spinning slightly, and she let out a surprised laugh.

"Gotcha!" Miles called out, his voice carrying over the noise of the arena. His eyes sparkled with triumph, a boyish pride that made ('s heart flutter despite herself.

"Oh, you’re not getting away with that!" ( shot back, her competitive spirit ignited. She quickly spun her car around, the wheels screeching as she set her sights on him.

Miles barely had time to react before she rammed her car into his side, the force of the impact pushing him into the barrier. He burst into laughter, the sound contagious, and ( couldn’t help but join in, her laughter mingling with his as they continued their playful game of chase.

The world around them became a blur of flashing lights and vibrant colors, the loud music and the excited shouts of other riders fading into the background. All that mattered was the thrill of the game, the shared grins, and the electric connection that pulsed between them with every crash and jolt.

For a few moments, it felt like they were the only two people in the arena, their world narrowed down to the space between them, to the laughter and the teasing, to the way their eyes kept finding each other, even in the chaos.

As the ride began to wind down, their cars gradually slowing, ( caught Miles’ eye once more. There was a playful challenge in his gaze, but also something softer, something that made her heart skip a beat.

She drove her car up beside his, their bumpers lightly touching, and leaned out slightly, her voice just loud enough for him to hear over the noise. “Truce?”

Miles’ grin softened into a smile, the kind that made her feel like everything was right in the world. “Truce,” he agreed, his voice warm and sincere.

They sat there for a moment, their cars side by side, the ride slowing to a stop around them. The energy between them was still buzzing, but now it was laced with something deeper, something that made them both feel breathless and alive.

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