Chapter 6 - Patty Cake

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(A/N: This chapter marks the new winner for longest chapter I've written. Enjoy!)


(Y/N) was in utter shock as she stared up at the closed window. She couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Hey there, Marla." She could hear Jesse greet in an overly sensual voice.

"Jesse, dear. Have no fear. Your Marla is here!" The woman proclaimed in a delighted tone and (Y/N) could even hear her strutting into the room.

Little question marks danced around her head and she could feel her heart break a little. She wasn't sure what to feel in that moment.

"Should've just left when you didn't find anything."

She turned to see Eddie come out of the shadows, taking a large swig from a whiskey bottle he had brought with. She was confused by his angered tone but didn't dwell on it, or his remark, as he placed the bottle back inside his coat.

"What are you doing back here, Eddie?" She asked instead.

"Got thrown out by the monkey." He snapped as he stomped over to the box he had set up by the window.

"Well, don't take your bad mood out on me."

"I don't really care anymore. I just want to get this job over and done with." He growled as he got on the box, took out his camera and got ready to take the incriminating shots.

(Y/N) couldn't understand why Eddie was so mad. Plus, he had never been so short or snappy with her before. But, then again, she wasn't feeling great either. In fact, she wanted this night to be over with as well.

Jesse had just practically thrown her out of his dressing room. Like what they had just shared with one another had meant nothing. Was this what Maroon meant when he called Jesse 'poison'? Was that who he really was?

Her thoughts were shifted when Eddie mumbled, "You've got to be kidding me."

"What is it?"

He remained silent, staring into Jesse's dressing room with his face scrunched up in confusion. Or was it in disgust? She couldn't really tell. But her heart jolted as she heard certain sounds coming from Jesse's dressing room. Both him and Marla were moaning, as if in pure pleasure. And it made her heart a stuttering mess.

"I-I don't know how to explain this." Eddie finally managed to say.

She couldn't take not knowing what was happening in there, as the sounds seemed to grow in their ecstasy. She grabbed another box and quickly climbed up on it. She gazed through the window but what she saw made her heart break. A gasp left her lips and a tear slowly glided down her cheek.

All that could leave her lips was, "P-Patty cake..."


"PATTY CAKE?! PATTY CAKE?! I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" Roger cried out, shaking the window shutters inside Mr Maroon's office.

He was in complete denial and freaking out in the most over-the-top way, weeping loudly as he jumped down and stumbled his way over to Maroon's desk. He banged his head harshly on the table's surface, his cries the only thing filling the room while Marron, Eddie and (Y/N) watched on in concern.


"Take comfort, son. You're not the first man whose brother played patty cake with a sugar mama." Maroon said in a somewhat comforting tone.

Eddie glanced over to (Y/N), who had been extremely quiet since they'd left the club. He wasn't entirely sure why she seemed so quiet and he went to speak to her.

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