Chapter 13 - The Connection

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"Ah, now that wasn't so bad, was it?" A narrator asked Goofy as he fell to the floor, his face the epitome of exhaustion.

Roger laughed whole-heartedly at the scene, along with the other people in the movie theatre. Him, Eddie and (Y/N) were hiding out way in the back and on the upper level so that no one could see them, while they waited for Delores to bring them some supplies. For the most part, it wasn't a bad hiding place.

In the cartoon, Goofy tried to stretch himself out using a resistance band but only succeeded in slinging himself up in the air. Roger laughed once more, messing popcorn everywhere and, despite everything that had happened, even (Y/N) was able to give out a few good chuckles.

"Boy, did you see that? Nobody takes a wallop like Goofy! What timing! What finesse! What a genius!"

Eddie glared down at the loud, chuckling rabbit in annoyance and was quick to yank him back by his ears and made Roger sit between himself and (Y/N).


"We're supposed to be hiding. What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you? You're the only person in this theatre that isn't laughing. Even (Y/N) is laughing."

Eddie leaned over to look at (Y/N), who was giggling at the screen. She felt his eyes on her and slowly turned to stare at him. They both just stared at one another before she slowly looked back at the screen.


"I'm allowed to find Goofy funny." She retaliated.

"Come on, Eddie. Is there nothing that can permeate your impervious puss? Hey, Eddie!" Roger pulled a ridiculous face, pulling his mouth apart and making weird sounds, but even then Eddie didn't budge. "Boy, nothing. What could have possibly happened to you to turn you into such a sourpuss?"

It was then that (Y/N) stopped giggling and immediately froze up. She gazed over at Eddie from the corner of her eye, waiting for him to explode or even to maybe strangle Roger.

But she was surprised when he calmly responded, "You wanna know?" Roger nodded. "I'll tell you. A Toon killed my brother."

"A Toon? No."

"That's right. A Toon. We were investigating the robbery of the first national bank of Toon Town. Back in those days, me and Teddy liked workin' in Toon Town. Thought it was a lot of laughs."

"I remember you two would come back to the office, giggling like a couple of loons." (Y/N) said solemnly, frowning when she noticed Eddie pull out a bottle of whiskey.

"Yep... Anyway, this guy got away with a zillion simoleons. We trailed him down to a little dive down in Yockster Street. We went in. Only he got the drop on us. Literally. Dropped a piano on us from fifteen stories. Broke my arm. Guy got away and I fell unconscious. I came to in the hospital, with Delores and (Y/N) crying over me. I only found out then that Teddy never made it."

"I was sleeping when I got the call. I was so heartbroken and all I could think about was being there for Eddie. I went to the hospital as quick as I could. Heck, I didn't even change, just went straight there in my night dress." (Y/N) added, taking a hanky out of nowhere to wipe at her teary eyes.

"It was all just horrible." Eddie continued, though it was obvious that it was hard for him to go on. "And the worst is, I never did find out who that guy was. All I remember was him standing over me laughing, with those burning red eyes and that high squeaky voice. He disappeared into Toon Town after that."

Roger sobbed loudly at the end of Eddie's tale, crying into his ears and was a complete mess as he spoke, "No wonder you hate me! If a Toon killed my brother, I'd hate me too."

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