Chapter 19 - That's All Folks

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"Eddie, do something!" Roger begged, gazing at the Dip machine that still slowly moved towards them.

Eddie ran over to the hook's remote, using it to move his friends out of the machine's path and out of danger. The giant contraption crashed through the wall, collapsing it and creating a ginormous opening right into Toon Town. The Dip machine didn't get very far in as a train came speeding by, destroying it and stopping it from harming any Toon ever again.

"Eddie! There's Dip everywhere!" (Y/N) called down to him.

"How are we gonna get down?" Roger asked.

Eddie thought for a moment before rushing over to the fire hydrant valve and twisted its wheel. Water shot out from each one that was placed all around the factory, washing away all the Dip down drainage pipes. Once the floor was completely cleaned off, Eddie shut the water off and then ran back to the hook remote and lowered down his friends.

He began to untie them from the hook, grabbing Roger by the ears to safely lower him down as Roger babbled, "Jeepers, Eddie! That was a close shave. I thought for sure our goose was cooked!"

Jesse chuckled as he was released next, patting Roger on his head as he praised, "Yep, you said it Rog. But, in the end, you were still my hero."

Roger turned to him, going on and on with how happy he was to hear that and explaining how he ended up bursting from the ground, which involved something with Benny and a toilet. Though Eddie and (Y/N) weren't really listening to him as Eddie finally got her loose and was shocked when she jumped into his arms.

"You saved me, Eddie."

He softly smiled as he hugged her back. "Of course. I'd never let anything bad happen to you."

They pulled away, both grinning from ear-to-ear, as Eddie gently set her down. He stared at her with a worried look in his eye, nervously scratching the back of his neck as he asked, "I guess, after all this, you're really starting to like the idea of leaving?"

She gazed up him in confusion, shaking her head as she sweetly stated, "I'd never leave you. Plus, I finally got my Eddie back. I wouldn't leave even if they tried to drag me away."

They both chuckled at that but got interrupted as the factory doors burst open. Benny speeded in with Delores, Santino, and a bunch of other cops with him. He stopped just in front of what was left of Doom, staring down at it in disgust.

"Sister Mary Francis! What the hell happened in here?" Benny loudly questioned.

(A/N: No joke, I think I'm in some kind of mandela effect with this line of Benny's. Because, I've watched this movie over 30 times, it's one of my all time favourites, and I could swear that he exclaims "Sarsaparilla" and not "Sweet Mary Francis". I mean, as I'm writing this I still can't believe it. I had to re-watch the scene and re-read the subtitles because I was so confused and I'm still convinced that he has always said "Sarsaparilla".)

Eddie and the gang went over to him to explain what had happened. But Benny's outburst had drawn the attention of a bunch of other Toons, who started piling in through the huge hole created in the Acme factory wall, cautiously coming over to see what was going on.

"I've been a cab for thirty-seven years and I've never seen a mess like this." Benny complained.

Dolores and Santino stared down at the mess as well, just as Eddie and the rest of them made their way over.

Delores moved a little closer to Eddie, not wanting to stand too close to the disgusting Doom puddle as she asked, "What was that? A rubber mask?"

"Yeah. And this is the rope from the safe that was dropped on Acme." Eddie stated as he threw the true crime-scene rope over to Santino. "I think your lab boys will find that paint's a perfect match."

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