Chapter 18 - Battle With Doom

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"Eddie, hurry! It's coming back!" Roger panicked as the stream of Dip got closer and closer. "This is it!"

Eddie sprang into action, climbing up the Dip machine and making his way over to the cannon, pulling the lever and making the stream change direction just in time.

"This isn't it!"

There wasn't much celebration for long as Doom used his cane to zipline across a rope and over to Eddie, knocking him off the machine. Doom jumped down with an almost impressive amount skill, as if it were nothing, before pulling a sword from his cane and pointing it at Eddie.

Thinking fast, Eddie opened a box labelled 'Singing Sword'. He didn't have much time to put much thought into it as he pulled out a Toon sword but, to his dismay, it danced around and, as he should have expected, began to sing.

🎵Sword: "Wicked Witchcraft."

Both Doom and Eddie were caught off guard, stunned to confusion by the mellifluous weapon.

🎵Sword: "And although I know, it's strictly taboo! When- "

Eddie had enough, throwing the sword aside when he realized it would be of no help in the fight. He then opened another box and pulled out a giant magnet. At first, it seemed to be working in Eddie's favour, gripping its magnetic hands around Doom's blade. But it wasn't long before Doom redirected the magnetic pull, making it go behind Eddie and getting him stuck to a large, heavy barrel.

With Eddie stuck in place, Doom sheathed his sword and, in a flat tone, simply said, "Don't move."

Doom wasn't gone for long, reappearing with a steamroller that had the primary objective of flattening Eddie like a pancake. Meanwhile, the Dip machine was still in the process of moving forward, and even though it went at a slow pace, the Dip stream that was still gushing from the cannon was getting smaller and, in turn, was inching closer and closer to the trio of strung up Toons.

Eddie tried his best to escape but there wasn't much he could do as the steamroller continued heading straight for him. It was then that he noticed some portable hole boxes, just out of his reach. He struggled for his life, trying to reach his foot far enough to grab one as the steamroller got closer and closer.

At the last minute, he managed to grab one and snap it around the magnet, earning his freedom. He climbed up on the steamroller and punched Doom off. He attempted to punch him again but Doom side-stepped him, just as the steamroller turned around and headed back towards them. Doom went to attack Eddie but he acted fast, grabbing a box of extra sticky glue. 

Doom punched through it, covering his fist in the thick substance before attempting another punch. Only he missed and, because of his hand coated in glue, it got stuck to the steamroller that continued moving forward. With Doom stuck, Eddie used the opportunity to rush over to the Dip machine. The stream was extremely close to his friends and he knew he had to act fast.

"Come on, Eddie! Quit playing around!" Roger begged as they all did their best not to get Dipped.

Luckily, Eddie opened the driver-side door and turned the whole machine off. The cannon lost power immediately and the stream was quick to die down, giving them some much needed relief.

"I wasn't worried. Were you?"

"Yes..." (Y/N) confessed, a look of exhaustion passing over her.

Their relief was halted when they heard the terrified and violent screams of Doom, who was currently being crushed to death by the steamroller. He struggled to free himself but only succeeded in getting more stuck, ultimately getting flattened to a pulp.

They all looked away, not wishing to witness such a gruesome scene. But, as the steamroller rolled out of view and revealed Doom's flattened body, something weird occurred. His pancake-like figure slowly stood up and shakily wobbled on his doughy feet.

"Eddie, look!" (Y/N) gasped out.

"Holy smoke! He's a Toon!"

"Surprised?" Doom asked, in a higher tone of voice than he usually possessed.

"Not really. That lame-brained freeway idea could only be cooked up by a Toon." Eddie admitted.

"Not just any Toon!"

Doom flopped his way over to an air canister, sticking the nozzle piece into his mouth and began to pump himself full of air. It caused his hat to go flying off, revealing a few wisps of blond hair. It also caused his eyes to pop out onto the floor - well, the fake ones he had been wearing - and when he turned around to reveal his true form, it only caused a sense of unparalleled fear to take over Eddie's being.

Doom's toony eyes were as red as blood and when he finally spoke, his voice was so high it sounded like he had sucked in a whole container of helium.

"Remember me, Eddie? When I killed your brother, I talked!"

His eyes shot out, making the shape of daggers that were aimed straight at Eddie. He attempted to run away but Doom created springs under his feet, bouncing over to Eddie with unbroken determination. He grabbed onto Eddie and threw him down, grinning at him in an insane manner as he opened the door to the Dip machine and turned it back on.

The cannon spat out a stream, albeit weak at first, in an instant and it began to rise towards Roger, Jesse and (Y/N).

"Oh, my goodness! Oh no!" (Y/N) cried out.

Doom smirked up at her, upon hearing her cries, his serial killer-like grin widening as he sadistically stated, "Looks like I'll be taking away another person you care about."

He then flung off a glove to reveal a golden anvil underneath, using it to knock Eddie through the air and tumbling all the way over to the other end of the factory. He then changed his hand into a buzz saw, extending it closer and closer towards Eddie.

Eddie fearfully stared at the deranged Toon before looking around for anything that could save him. His eyes landed on the Toon hammer, that one of the detectives had been playing with at Marla Acme's murder scene, hidden under some debris. 

He waited for Doom to strike, rolling away at the last minute as he grabbed onto the hammer, aimed and fired. The boxing glove extended out and though Doom was quick to dodge, it hit the valve on the Dip machine. This caused Dip to explode out and hit Doom straight on.

The Dip stream was centimetres away from spraying onto the tied-up trio and Jesse took that as his last moment to say goodbye. "Goodbye, Roger! Goodbye, (Y/N)!"

They braced for the end but it never came. The Dip that was spewing from the back of the machine had drained every drop of it from the vat. This meant that the cannon no longer had anything to shoot out.

"Oh, thank goodness." Jesse sighed out in relief, all of them becoming limp from exhaustion.

"I think I'm going to faint." (Y/N) commented, allowing her head to droop down onto Jesse's shoulder.

"Go for it, Doll. I'll be here to catch you."

They both slightly giggled but were cut off by Doom slowly dissolving in the Dip, screaming at the top of his lungs in agony and fear. They watched in horror as he was surrounded by steam, becoming nothing but oily, yellow ink and the only thing that would remain of him would be his clothes. And, with that, the nightmare was finally over.

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