Chapter 17

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Fighting to free his hand and getting pulled around repeatedly made Mao Zimo look like he was stumbling around again, even worse than the first day when he really was drunk. It painted a bad picture but everyone was relieved and happy to see him anyways. They thought that if he was able to drink that heavily, he probably was back in good health. He noticed that even without him, all 13 chairs were full but didn't have time to look for what's going on. He was blinded by their smiles as everyone shouted out happy greetings and stood up to hug him one after another. The spirit moved away with a disgusted expression when they came close.

They knew to be patient this time since they didn't want to crush him after he was sick for so long. The ones waiting almost formed a line, causing Mao Zimo to feel like he was doing a fan meeting. Luo Anlim and Ke Qian didn't move away from their seats but wore smiles when they caught sight of him. The former even started clapping as he exclaimed. "Mao Zimo! You're alive! Amazing!" Some others joined in too.

That gave him mixed feelings. It wasn't on purpose but wording it like that made it sound like the Temple Master was suprised. He couldn't think about that for too long as it was finally He Feiyus time to put his arms around him. After he learned that they were gay and made out with each other in front of his window of all places, he felt a bit awkward. "Mao Zimo, are you all good now?" The diciple asked as he took the chance to touch him everywhere as if checking for wounds. That made him feel even more conflicted but this level of body contact wasn't out of line so he tried his best to not let it show. It's not like they turned into other people just because he knew their sexuality now. At the very least they were with humans not like him, who was stealing kisses from a spirit.

Mao Zimo reassured each of them that he was fine and felt touched by their relieved expressions. After he received the last hug, his eyes fell on Li Mujin again who was standing on the side. He really seemed to be invisible to everyone but him. The others eyes weren't on him though, instead staring at the person who took up his seat. Mao Zimo followed his gaze and saw something unbelievable. It was a sight he never would've expected on this mountain even after all the crazy stuff he learned and witnessed here.

"A-A-... A woman?" 

That's what it looked like at least. He really wasn't sure but no matter how pretty a man was, his chest probably wouldn't start growing. Especially not that big. His exclamation made everyone laugh, even the woman. She seemed to be about 30 but had a kind of beauty that doesn't fall but rise with age. "Luo Anlim. You should let your boys go down the mountain more often. Look at his face!" 

"He's new, he shouldn't have forgotten what a woman looks like. Maybe he's just startled by your beauty?" The Temple Master explained himself, making Mao Zimo and the spirit cringe. The other diciples didn't seem bothered as they walked back to their seats. With no place for him to sit he lingered awkwardly next to the table, ignoring the people patting their laps and winking at him. Making such jokes in front of a woman, he mentally shook his head. He was starting to think his brothers were a little shameless.

"My, my, don't make me blush, old man!" She answered while giggling before standing up and adressing Mao Zimo politely. "I'm Hui ChanChan. It's warm now, you can sit down first." 

Mao Zimo wanted to refuse and looked at Luo Anlim for help but he motioned for him to just take it. With no better option, he did as told only for the woman to start whining the second he sat. "Oh.. My back hurts.." She said as she stared at him full of expectation. 

Hui Suka quickly offered her a place on his lap. "My name is Hui Suka. Our shared surnames must be fate bringing us together. Please, take a seat here." 

"Not neccessary." She said curtly as she plopped down on Mao Zimos tighs, facing him. "I already found my thread of fate in his red eyes."

Mao Zimo was blushing again and at a loss for what to say or where to put his hand. The spirits attention was caught too and it swiftly jumped onto the table to squat in front of them, staring deeply at his forehead. Luo Anlim cut in. "Chanchan, he's not allowed to dual cultivate yet."

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