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I am in the mall with my mom and my brother Sebastian. We are here because Sebastian is going to prom in a week, and he needs a suit. He is obviously going with Avery. The two of them have been planning this function since the beginning of last year. We have visited at least four shops, and Sebastian is still not sure what suit is perfect for him. My feet are exhausted from walking already. I feel as if I am going to faint. We have been in this mall since 10 a.m., and I'm pretty sure it's late afternoon already.

"Sebastian, can you just pick a suit already? We have been here for hours. I'm tired and hungry", I moan.

"Nobody invited you to come with" he says, rolling his eyes.

"Uhm.. Yes, you did. You literally forced me to come here with you", I frown.

"Enough arguing, you two. Can we just buy you the suit so we can leave", Mom shouts.

"What color is Avery wearing?", I ask.


"Then buy a grey suit. Or a black one, with a maroon shirt", I make suggestions.

Sebastian looks at gray suits with different materials and styles. He goes with a dark grey cotton suit and a maroon shirt. The kind lady at the till places the suit in a bag, and I am so relieved that we can finally leave this mall.

We walk towards the car in the parking lot. I get into the passenger seat, and Sebastian gets in the back. Mom starts the car, and we drive home. The sun is setting, casting a golden glow across the sky. As we drive, the streetlights flicker to life, casting their own pale imitation of the sun's radiance. I stare out the window, watching the world pass by. Home feels like a distant memory, but as we approach the familiar streets, it starts to feel more real. The car pulls into the driveway, and I step out of it.

I walk into the house and up the stairs towards my room. My footsteps echo on the stairs, and I feel the familiar exhaustion settling in. But as I open the door to my room, I can't help but smile. It feels like a safe haven, a place to escape from the world and recharge. I sink into my bed with Pride and Prejudice in my hand. I open the well-wormed pages of the book and begin to read. As I do, I feel like I'm stepping into a different world, one where I can forget the worries of the day and just be transported to another time and place. I'm soon lost in the story, following the lives of the characters and feeling their triumphs and disappointments. As I turn the last page, I close the book with a sigh, feeling like I just returned from a journey.

"Nora, dinner is ready!", Mom calls from the end of the stairs.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and take my seat at the table. The scent of dinner lingers in the air, and the house is warm and inviting. The house is filled with the sounds of cooking and laughter. I finish off my plate of food and place it in the sink.

I walk back up into my room. I sink into my bed, and as I close my eyes, I know that sleep will come quickly tonight.


As I open my eyes, I'm met with the first rays of sunlight peeking through the curtains. A new day is dawning, and I can feel the energy of possibility in the air. I stretch my arms and legs, feeling the muscles relax and release the tension from the previous day. Then, I sit up and take a deep breath, ready to face whatever the day brings.

As I stand up, I can feel the floorboards creak beneath my feet. I take a moment to look around my room, taking in the familiar sights and smells. Then, I make my way to the bathroom to begin my morning routine. As I brush my teeth and wash my face, I feel a sense of renewal and focus. 

I walk downstairs and mom is preparing breakfast. The smell of fresh coffee and pancakes wafts through the air, and I can hear the sizzle of eggs in the pan. Mom turns and smiles as I enter the kitchen, saying, "Good morning, sleepyhead! How did you sleep?". I reply, "I slept like a baby because I finally finished that book I bought a few months ago". Mom laughs and says, "I knew you'd finish it! Now, sit down and eat your breakfast". I do just that. I place a pancake on my plate and scoop a blob of ice-cream onto it. I swerve maple syrup over my pancake and dig in.

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