It's Nice To Have A Friend

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I walk into the bustling grocery store, the smell of fresh produce and baked goods filling the air. Mom, smiled as we approach her. "Thanks for coming with me, you two. It's so helpful to have an extra set of hands". "It's no problem, mom. We're happy to help", I say. Armas volunteered to help my mother and I out in the grocery store today since Sebastian couldn't make it.

As mom began filling her cart with items from her list, Armas and I work together to find everything we need. We grab items off the shelves while my mother checks them off the list.

Sebastian couldn't help out today because he was dropping Avery off at the airport. She is going to study in Johannesburg and has to register herself in by the university she is going to study at, so she has to leave before her semester starts.

Sebastian has been upset for the past few days because of her leaving, but he said that he'll visit her often, so I'm sure it won't be a problem.

Armas and I help my mother to load all the groceries onto the conveyor belt, and then we start to bag them as the cashier scans them. Mother began chatting with the cashier, I smile as I help to bag the groceries.

As we walk out of the grocery store, Armas and I each carry a bag of groceries in each hand. Mother walks ahead of us, carrying her purse and a few bags of her own. The sun was shining, and I feel a sense of contentment as we make our way to the car.

We arrive at the car, and Armas and I help my mom to load the groceries into the trunk. As we do so, we start chat and laugh together. As we finish loading the car, I turn to Armas and smile. "Thanks for coming with us today", I say, and he winks.

Armas smiles back at me. "It was my pleasure", he says. "You two are quite the pair", Mom chims in. "What's that supposed to mean mom?", I ask. "You know what I mean. I won't stop whatever is going on between you two, but you know your father will. So be careful", Mom points at me. I smile at Armas and he smiles back at me.

As we drove home from the grocery store, I couldn't help but feel relieved that we had all gotten out of there unscathed. Armas and I had been bickering like children in the backseat, and I could tell that my mom was on the verge of losing her patience. But thankfully, we made it home in one piece. As we unloaded the bags from the trunk, I couldn't help but think about how lucky I was to have such a caring and patient mother. She always puts up with our antics, no matter how annoying we get. I made a mental note to thank her later, and maybe even help out with dinner tonight.

We help my mother carry all the bags into the house. It was a lot of work, but we manage to get everything inside without any issues. I always enjoy helping my mother with chores around the house. It's a great way to spend time with her and make her life a little easier. Armas is a great friend, for wanting to help out today. He's always willing to lend a hand.

Armas and I carry the grocery bags into the kitchen, setting them down on the counter with a thud. I could smell the sweet scent of apples and oranges, and I feel a sense of satisfaction at the abundance of food we had just brought home. I looked at Armas and smile, feeling grateful for his help.

I walk into the living room and see my brother, Sebastian, sitting on the couch with a remote in his hand. His watching a movie, he looks up when he hears me come in. "Hey, Nor", He says, smiling. "How was grocery shopping?". "It was good", I say. "So, how was it dropping Avery off at the airport?", I ask, looking at my brother curiously. Sebastian sighs. "It was bittersweet", he says. "I'm going to miss her while she's gone, but I'm also happy for her. She's going to have such an amazing experience studying in a different city". I nod, understanding what he was saying.

Sebastian and I sit here together, enjoying the movie and each other's company. Armas walks into the living room and joins us. We laugh at the screen in front of us.

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