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Harry woke up the next morning and after having some breakfast, he went to his room where there were some expensive robes that his elves had bought for him, he wore them then he called Tipsy and asked her to put some glamour charms on him as his grandfather had instructed him to do so. After that he took a goblin made chain from the office room which was the portkey, he informed Cosmos of where he was going and then he clearly told the phrase, "trapeze", he felt the portkey activating and he felt his navel tug and started descending, but as he got a warning from his grandfather he was able to land properly. Just as he landed he noticed a spectacular white marble building guarded by what he assumed to be goblins in armours. "Goblins are short humanoid creatures that have long noses, long, thin fingers and are short in height. They are highly intelligent, economically clever, are very capable metal smiths and they have their own branch of wandless magic. They do not want to be considered in servitude to wizards and try to forge their own worth to society. They are established and highly-respected in economic professions, controlling the economy to a large extent and running Gringotts." He remembered his grandfather informing him about goblins. He applied the spell that his grandfather taught him which would enable him to speak and understand most of the known languages except for the ones like death's dialect, parseltongue and Phoenix's language. It took him about two hours to get it right with his great grandfather's wand which was in the Castle's Vaults which contained the wands of previous Potters and important books, family grimoires, jewellery and mounds of galleons, heaps of sickles and mountains of knuckles. As the property was heavily warded the ministry couldn't detect the magic in that area.As he entered the bank he nodded respectfully to the two goblin guards standing outside, the guards were so shocked that they forgot to sneer at him.

After he entered he paid 5 galleons to the security goblin inside to go to the teller immediately without waiting in the queue as his grandfather had instructed him to do so. He went to the teller and said in fluent Gobbledegook, "Greeting master teller I would like to speak to the Potter Account Manager Ragnok".

The teller got over the shock of a wizard speaking their tongue and treating them with respect, so he also kept his tone respectful and asked in Gobbledegook, "And who might you be, only the members of the Potter family are allowed to see them as they are of royal blood line and we take their security seriously."

"I am Hadrian James Potter heir of house Potter and I would like for this visit to be kept a secret" Harry replied as he flashed his heir ring.

"Sure Heir Potter, Griphook take to young man to the Potter account manager." The teller ordered.

Another goblin started leading Harry to much more inside and after walking for about 10 minutes they stopped in front a large ornate golden door with the Words Ragnok VII - Potter account manager written and Griphook knocked on the door.

"Enter" a voice came. As soon as he stepped inside he saw a noble looking old goblin peering at him through his spectacles, he also felt his glamour charm fading which he assumed to do so due to the protective enchantments of the room.

Harry took a short bow and then said, "Greeting Ragnok I am Hadrian James Potter heir of the House of Potter." Harry said with as much confidence as he could muster as he couldn't help but feel nervous but all of a sudden a mental thrill which he recognized to be Cosmos's he calmed down.

"Greetings Heir Potter, I admit I was looking forward to meet you and you do not disappoint. Now what services may Gringotts offer to you" Ragnok asked.

"Today I would like a inheritance test and a Gringotts full body medical test." Harry answered.

"Certainly Heir Potter, the inheritance test would be 20 galleons and the Medical Test would be 100 galleons." Ragnok answered.

Harry Potter And The Phoenix KingWhere stories live. Discover now