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I haven't always been this way
In fact, it took me years to grow
Years to figure out me
Years to find out which way to go
I've hung out with the wrong crowds
Went the wrong way
Scared to live in my truth
Scared of judgement
And what people will say
But then I realized
I'm human just like everyone else
We all got a story
So allow me to introduce myself
I'm just a young woman trying to find herself
With little guidance in the physical world
I had to learn that I'm guided in the spiritual world
I had to learn all my lessons were my biggest blessings
Those lessons weren't worth stressing
I went through some things that I was scared to admit
Scared of feeling judged
But then I had to commit
Commit to myself
Commit to God
Although it seemed a little odd
Now I'm an open book
Happy to embrace everything
It's a beautiful look
Proud to just be me
So here I am
Welcome to my testimony

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