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Life is all about lessons
Everything happens for a reason
Some people leave your life without explanation
They were only meant to be here for a season.

As we grow, we learn to let go
As we learn to let go, we surrender and go with the flow
We release the things that's not in our control
And focus on ourselves and our true goals

Going through something over and over again
Always asking "why is this happening to me"
But honey, you got to change your mindset
"It's happening for me, not to me"

Once you master the lesson
A new level will be unlocked
This levels bring in bigger blessings than before
The blessings that the lesson blocked

Take time out and hear yourself think
Listen to that voice in your head
You're not as crazy as you think

Learn to trust in yourself
Knowing that every decision you make is best for you
Lessons aren't meant to hurt you
They're meant to make you, you.

Poems to Heal Your Soul ✨Where stories live. Discover now