Chapter Two

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 The door shuts itself. Not a word is said. Jason turns to Nico in a flail of wild rage. He opens his mouth in the slightest bit and a hint of vocal cord vibration is sensed. Nico grabs Jason's head, left hand delicately placed on his upper neck, his right hand on Jason's jawline. Nico pulls him in without a second lost.

Their lips connect, creating a sweet and seductive bridge in between their noses. As their mouths open and close, kissing passionately, Nico's hands move, one up, caressing Jason's hair, the other down, slightly tugging at his blue collar.

Jason's hands, previously encompassing Nico's jaw, are now crossed under Nico's armpits, both fingers dancing across his back, tickling his spinal cord and pulling at the bottom of his shirt.

Yeah, I am completely comfortable with this.

The lip-smacking trades of love continue. Jason's face turns red, blushing. Or running out of breath. That works too.

Who doesn't love watching their two best friends about to get it on while taking it off?

"Okay, guys," I say as I open the door and unlatch my seat buckle, leaving my purse unprotected on the floor. "I am going for a walk. You guys just... Just make sure you are safe. I have some protection in my purse. Use. It." I begin to walk away jokingly.

"Wait... Meghan... Stay!" Says Nico through smooches. Jason places his hands on Nico's chest, pushing him back.

"Woah, dude. She's not comfortable," says Jason.

I turn around, laughing silently to myself, while maintaining a perfectly straight face. Haha. Straight face. Straight face. My companions are gay. I love me.

"Guys," I say as I flip my leg over the grey-carpeted floor of the car. "I was just kidding, ya know."

"No crap," says Jason, flipping his dark fringed hair out of his sparkling eyes. Dang, boy.

"Yeah," says Nico, terribly attempting to play along with Jason.

"Protection is for high-schoolers. I ain't afraid of any freaking STDs." I laugh at him.

"Yeah," I say. "Tell me that again when you have Gonorrhea."

"Well then," he says, looking bright eyed at Jason, pulling him in. Yet again. "You can just call me 'Gonorrheaman.'" And the lips have connected. Jason pushes him back. He looks at me.

"Dude," he says. "Don't you want to be a chlamydiyte?"

"Even better," says Nico, appearing to be drunk in love. He tugs on Jason's tee again.

Thanks for the post-graduation Sex Ed Class. You're welcome.

This got really sexually intense, quickly. Woah, now.

So I don't know if you have noticed, but I am more of a listener than an speaker. I am one of those people who don't speak much in the car. You know, unless I am verbally forced into conversation. Then, of course, I will engage in said conversation. I am hoping this is not one of those times.

"So, Meghan," says Jason. Crap. Spoke too soon. "What college are you going to?"

"What college are you going to?" I ask, trying to avoid answering.

"Don't answer a question with a question," interjects Nico.

"Shut up," I retort, making sure to not skip a beat. Seriously. Sometimes he can be so abhorrent. He scoffs.

"I'm sorry," I say. "Excuse me for having an actual conversation for once in my life." Now it's my turn to scoff. "Anyway," I say to Jason, "please, monsieur, continue."

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