I Hate You All (Except for One)

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Thanks to blankcanvas12 for pointing out that Kyra didn't play for Arsenal in 2021... I forgot 😅 for the sake of this story, Kyra's already a Gunner

"—just do it!" You vaguely heard Sam hiss. "Don't be such a pussy, Viney!"

"Why can't you do it?" Said Matilda argued. "It was your idea!"

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Alex groaned. "I'll do it!"

The next thing you knew, a bucket of ice water was dumped onto your sleepy form, jolting upwards. "Oi!"

The group of pranksters giggled maliciously as they ran out the door, waving their phones at you teasingly.

"Happy first cap!" Cortnee chuckled before running out of sight right behind your captain.

"I hate you all," You grumbled, flicking the remaining water droplets off of your face. "Suckers."

It was then you noticed Kyra coming out of the bathroom, towel in hand.

"C'mon, let's get you dry," the Midfielder smiled softly. "They got you good, huh?"

Despite the freezing cold water that you were soaked with, the room suddenly felt hot as Kyra gently swiped at your face. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, definitely."

When she finished, she rummaged through your messy suitcase and tossed you a clean T-shirt and joggers. "Get changed, I'll be out in the meal room if you need something."

"I— yeah, okay," you blinked. "Thank— erm, thanks."

As she slipped out the door, you couldn't help but wonder:

What the fuck was wrong with you?


Stalking into the room with a sour expression, you made a beeline for an unsuspecting Alex Chidiac and Cortnee Vine, both of your culprits facing the other way while talking to Mini.

Gesturing cheekily to Katrina to cover Harper's eyes and ears, you yanked Alex and Cortnee up by the back of their shirts, their feet no longer touching the ground.

"You think you're funny?" You questioned, voice low. "I'll show you funny."

"SAAAAAAAM!" Alex shrieked, thrashing her arms about and almost smacking Viney in the face. "HELP!"

You chuckled, leaning in before whispering, "Sam's next."

"TOOOONY!" Cortnee yelled, looking at your amused-looking head coach pleadingly. "TELL HER TO PUT US DOWN!"

He merely shrugged, a mischievous grin on his face that was practically identical to yours. "Why should I?"

You laughed evilly, skipping along with the two terrified Tillies still locked in your grasp. "Payback tiiiime!"


"Hey, Lyss," you waved, placing your phone down on the desk in the hotel room before pulling out your sleek silver laptop. "How's it goin'?"

"Same old, same old. How about you? I saw your game by the way, it was awesome."

Your face broke out into a grin as you recalled the events of your first international game. "It was an interesting goal, I think."

She smiled proudly. "Definitely."

"I've got work to do, but I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah, bye."

Hanging up the phone, you began typing away, responding to emails when one caught your eye.

You clicked on it curiously, eyes widening and jaw dropping as you read the text sent to you.

No. Fucking. Way.


"Sam!" You yelled, throwing the door open with your shoulder as the gathered Matildas jumped in surprise. "C'mere!"

"No!" Your captain ran behind Mini, pushing the shorter woman in front of her. "I don't wanna!"

You cocked your head to the side in confusion. "What the fuck is wrong with y- oh. That's not what this is about. Just c'mere, it's important!"

She begrudgingly walked out from behind her human shield, heading out into the hallway with you. "What is it?"

You practically threw your phone at the skipper. "Read it!"

A grin made its way onto the Striker's face as she fumbled with the device. "I knew you had it in you!"

Your smile suddenly turned dark as your hand shot out, lifting the captain off of her feet. "Now that that's out of the way..."



"I'm Steph Catley, and this is the Australia Women's National Team's newest addition, Y/N Y/L/N," Steph grinned, the two of you waving at the camera enthusiastically. "I'll be asking Y/N 23 questions which she must answer truthfully. Are you excited, Y/N?"

You maintained your cheerful expression. "Nope!"

"Right, okay," she chuckled. "First question. Favorite drink?"


"Y/N!" she scolded as Kyra, Charli, and the Matildas' media manager exploded into laughter. "You can't say that!"

"Why not?" You tilted your head to the side innocently. "There were no rules other than no swearing. I didn't swear."

"There could be little kids watching!"




"Hey," you strolled up to the media manager, Ann Odong with your hands stuffed into your pockets. "We keeping in that first question and answer?"

Steph had forced you to change your response, so you'd replied with choccy milk, a much more family-friendly alternative.

She giggled. "We'll put it in a bloopers section at the end. Yours had quite a lot of entertaining ones."

"Right, thanks."

You turned around and began walking away, eyes landing on an upset-looking Kyra Cooney-Cross almost instantly. "Ky, what's wrong?"

She shook her head. "It's nothing."

The Midfielder turned on her heel and began to trudge away sullenly. 

"What's up with her?" You asked Caitlin, who shrugged.

"I dunno, mate."

What was going on with Kyra?


Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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