Kick Some Netherlandish Butt!

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I'm aware that Tameka or any other footballer would never say something as stupid as this, but she's going to say something dumb as fuck for the shits and giggles
"I don't know," you shook your head with a hushed tone. "I didn't do anything, I have no idea why she's ignoring me."

Alanna raised her eyebrows questioningly. "Are you sure you didn't do anything? Maybe something subtle that you forgot about?"

You plopped your bag onto the floor, sliding into one of the many window seats on the team bus. "There's nothing, Lans. Maybe Kyra's just tired, I don't know anymore."

"I know why!" Charli popped up in the seat behind you, nearly giving you and your roommate a heart attack. "Sorry. Anyways, Kyra's mad at you becau- ow!"

Emily smacked her on the side of the head in a panic. "Don't! You're not supposed to tell her!"

Charli sat back down again, having the decency to look slightly embarrassed. "Sorry. I forgot."

Your gaze instantly flitted over to the blonde. "Tell me what?"


"Oh look! Some interesting thing over there! Come on, Charli, let's go!" Alex grabbed the Defender by the arm, dragging her to the very back of the bus as you watched on suspiciously.

The fuck?



You crossed your arms over your chest, a scowl on your face.

"What?" The Gunner refused to meet your eyes. "We've gotta warm up, can it wait?"

You'd finally had enough, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her into the tunnel where your discussion was unlikely to be overheard. "What the hell is the matter with you?"

The Midfielder was suddenly angry, jabbing an accusing finger at your chest. "Don't act like you don't know!"

You threw your hands up in exasperation. "I ain't no mind reader, I really don't fuckin' know!"

"You were flirting with our media manager!"

Kyra slapped her hands over her mouth as you gained a quick boost of confidence. "So you were jealous."

"No!" She protested, though her quickly reddening face said otherwise. "I was just- I- I just think that it was unprofessional, I swear!"

"Mhmm," you smirked, unconvinced. "Whatever you say, babes."

The shorter woman let out a squeak as you strutted away, completely and utterly speechless.

So, Kyra liked you.

The question was: did you feel the same?


"Come on, Y/N!" Tameka cheered ftom the bench as you ran onto the pitch for Mary. "Kick some Netherlandish butt!"

You skidded to a halt, eyes wide as even some of the Netherlands players turned to your teammate. "What- what did you say?"

"Kick some Netherlandish butt," she repeated, confused. "Why?"

You crouched down, putting your face into your hands. "UGHHHHHHH."


"People from the Netherlands aren't 'Netherlandish', you moron."

"Then what are they?"

You slammed a fist into the ground. "THEY'RE DUTCH!"

Your opponents burst into fits of laughter as you shook your head in disbelief. "You- I can't even."

Jill Roord slapped you on the shoulder, unable to stop her hearty chuckles. "Come on, Y/L/N. Let's- ha- let's play."


You punted the ball towards Sam, the Striker sprinting at top speed to beat the Dutch Defender assigned to mark her.

Holding your breath, you watched your skipper bury the ball into the back of the net.

"Y/NNNN!" She exclaimed, jumping onto your back excitedly. "What a ball!"

"What a shot!" You reciprocated, a goofy smile on your face as Kyra leaped into your arms. "Tameka's right, we're kickin' Netherlandish butt!"

Ausssie and Dutch players alike exploded into giggles once more, the important match temporarily forgotten.

"We're about to be knocked out of the Olympics and I can't stop laughing," Vivianne Miedema wheezed, left forearm resting against one of her teammates' shoulder. "Godverdomme, you're a funny one."

"GUYS! YOU HEAR THAT?" You yelled to your teammates on the bench. "THE VIVIANNE MIEDEMA THINKS I'M FUNNY!"

"Quit while you're ahead," Hayley snickered. "While Miedema thinks you're funny and while Kyra still has a big ass crush on you."

The Gunner looked mortified. "HAYLEY!"


"Hi, Sam, Y/N," a reporter nodded politely. "You've just knocked one of the giants out of the Olympics, how does it feel?"

"It's really awesome," Sam smiled. "We knew going into this game that the Netherlands were a really strong team, so to win this match was a real confidence booster."


"It's a special win, as my god awf- I mean, wonderful captain stated," you agreed, swatting Sam's hand away when she tried to flick your ear. "But we've still got more challenges ahead, so while we're definitely gonna celebrate this win, we'll prepare for the obstacles ahead."

"And we saw that when you came on for Mary Fowler, every single player on the pitch began laughing. What was that about?"

You turned your head to the side as you spit out your water, Tameka's innocent words rushing back into your mind. "I- HA-"

"Tameka said something stupid," Sam clarified, seeing as you were unable to. "And after I got the goal of Y/N's assist, Y/N brought it up again and it was too funny to ignore."

"Will we get to hear the joke, or-?"

"Out of- out of courtesy to- to Tameka," you coughed, Sam smacking you on the back. "We ain't gonna-say it. But it- that was hella freakin' funny."

"Do you think you have a chance at Gold?" Another reporter questioned, once you finally stopped coughing.



Sorry for slow posts, I'm not feeling well :(

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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