Chapter 2

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When she awoke her hands and legs were bound. A mask covered her face and duct tape over her mouth. Liz panicked breathing fast her lungs felt like they were about to collapse. Then minutes later Liz calmed down still scared for her life but calm. She hears a car running in the background. Then footsteps approached her slowly. Someone sat right next to her.

"Hey, when are we going to get there? This pretty little thing is starting to tease me" a man said as a hand went up Liz's thigh. Liz began to shake, her breathe unsteady. Wondering what might happen next.

"Leave her be! don't be such a pig." a female voice said. Liz with thoughts racing tried to figure out what they wanted with her. Were they going to sell her to become a sex slave, make her a prostitute, sell her body parts on the black market? Anything  was possible inside her head, but then something interrupted her thoughts. She heard the tires screech and cars honking then Liz rolled on the floor hitting her leg on some metal object.

"What the Hell??  You can't just do that! you scared the crap out of me..."the voice said.

"Yea and you bruised his little trophy." another voice spoke up. How many people are in this god forsaken car? Liz thought to her self. What feels like and hour passes. Liz still thinking of what they might do to her.

"We're here" someone said. She felt a push and tug. Liz fought back kicking and trying to scream. She never fought so hard before, But then she felt a pinch and everything went black.

January 11, 2011.

"Where is my baby?" Liz mother Carol asked the police

"You need to find her" carol said

"Ma'am don't you think it's a possibility that this could be a run away case?" the police chief said.

"NO! My baby wouldn't do this to me she'd never leave me alone." Carol said sternly. While the police searched the house Carol went up to Liz's room and picked up one of Liz's shirts smelling what was left of her scent.

"God why?" Carol said. She fell to her knees and began to cry.

January 12,2011.

"What happened?" Liz muttered.

"Where am I?" she said. As her eyes started to adjust she noticed it was her room.

"It was all a terrible night mare" she smiled, But when she arose from her bed she was pulled back.

"What?" Liz questioned. She looked down at her hands only to notice they were shackled so was her legs. Then it al hit her this is no nightmare it's real life. The door opened.

"Welcome to my home...Well our home now since your here sweet heart" His voice was deep and raspy .

"W-w-what do you want from me?" Liz asked.

"My dear I don't want anything from you I just need you in my life." He said. What does he mean by that? Liz wondered. He walked closer and closer to her. Fearing of what she might see or what he might do to her.

"Don't be scared I just want to love you." He said. When he came into the light Liz noticed all his facial features. He had dark hair, blue eyes, tall, and muscular. Then he sat right besides me on the bed. Grabbing my face he looked at me with his eyes wide open then leaned in and kissed her. She Pulled back fast and surprised. Liz spit on his face disgusted.

"Now why would you do that" he said wiping his face.


"Now, now no need to yell my dear." He said. Liz looked at him and calmed down. Okay She thought to herself.

" What's your name?" she asked. He looked at her confused and then his face turned into a sweet innocent  little boys face. How could he do that, just go from scary as hell to innocent.

"My Name is Connor, Connor Foster." Connor said. Liz looked up at him staring at him wondering what he will do to her. Then again he came to the bed and looked at her. Connors hand went to her inner thigh then to her face.

"What are you doing?" Liz asked.

"Shhh" Connor said quietly. Forcing him self onto her. Grabbing her thigh inching up to her butt grabbing it.....

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