Chapter 6

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter is shorter than the others..Also I wanted you guys to get a visual of what Liz will be wearing to the ultra sound.

It's the day of the ultra sound and both Liz and Connor are nervous. Liz manages to put on Connor and secretly her favorite blue dress with some black heels..she is surprised that she can still walk in heels. Its been forever since she has walked in heels. Liz makes her way out of the room and walks across to the kitchen to grab something quick to eat. She picks up an apple and starts to bite into it when she hears footsteps. As she turns she is face to face with Connor. Inches apart, smelling his cologne and his minty breathe..Liz smiled weakly trying to make nice.

"Well good morning beautiful," Connor said " I can see you wore my favorite dress like I asked. Those shoes just make you look even sexier then before." Being called beautiful and sexy bye Connor make Liz's skin crawl, but in a strange way she liked it. she didn't say anything knowing if she spoke up he would lock her in the room again so she just went along.

"Thank you"

"No problem beautiful. I just speak the truth" this make Liz feel like he really cared about her..No she told herself you can't fall for your kidnapper, but she was. She loves the way he treats her like she is the only girl in the world. She loved how he would look at her, and how he would kiss her so passionately. She also loved The way his blue eyes stared at her piercing through her.

"Liz did you hear me?!"


"I said it's time to go grab my hand so we can leave." She didn't understand why she had to hold is hand every time they went out together. They walked to his car. He opened the door for her letting her walk past him. As her skin brushed against his Connor couldn't help but smile. Imaging her in her natural state. Laying besides her in bed they didn't even have to do anything even though he quite enjoyed it just her there is good enough for him.. Sadly he didn't know how to tell her this. When they got to the doctors Connor couldn't help seeing all the guys staring at Liz..Connor moved his arm around to liz's waist holding her tight. Liz noticed the people staring and she couldn't help but laugh a little.

"What's so funny?"

"You are Connor. Don't worry I'm here with you and only you and plus I don't want to be put under 'special care'." He laughed slightly holding Liz even tighter.

"Mr and Mrs. Foster" a female voice said. Being called mrs.foster made Liz smile but then she snapped out of it. No! You can't think of him like that! She thought to herself. Even though she wanted to be his only girl she couldn't do it. She could not be in-love with Connor her kidnapper, her rapist, she is trying to fight her feelings toward him. Liz know what he done was wrong but she still had those feelings for him.

A/N: Please comment and vote!

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-If you could have one super power what would it be?

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