3. Marriage

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Author's POV:

(Before reading this chapter, a request to all the readers.

This is the story of kaveri, a not so smart village girl. Since she has no talent in studies her mother wanted her to get married. It's very normal in Indian villages, atleast where I grow up. So please don't react too soon at how I degrade a girls character to just being a house wife. Spoiler alert: she's going to succeed with the help of her husband, okay!?)

After coming from her beauty bath kaveri hurriedly got ready for her college. She went to kitchen and serve some idly for herself before went to living room to take a seat beside her father, who already gotten ready and checking his things to went to bank. He already ate his breakfast as he had to take his medicines before going. Her mother was preparing lunch boxes for both of them. Her mother would eat peacefully after they leave. But they would have their dinner together everyday.

"Eat slowly. You'll get chocked." Her father cleaned her chin which got smeared some chutney on it.

"I'm already going to be late, Nanna" she pouted with an innocent face.

"Why don't you sleep some more?" Came her mother's sarcastic comment immediately. She just pouted more without saying anything.

Then the father and daughter duo went to their college and bank on his bike. Her mother got busy in household chores.

At night they all sat down to eat beside the sofa set in the living room asusual.

"So, how's your studies going?" Her mother asked her after eating.

"It's good Amma." Kaveri replied confidently.

"That's better. If not I'm going to get you married after your final graduation exams in four months." She said seriously to which both father and daughter chocked. Kaveri just looked at her mother dumbfounded.

"What nonsense are you talking? She's just a child! She's not going to get married anytime soon." Ramesh declared without a second thought.

"So what would you do with her. There's no chance for her to get a job based on her qualifications. She doesn't even have brain to do something on her own. And she's not a child, she's already 21 years old. I got married to you when I was just 17, didn't you think of me as a child then?" She said casually.

"So what! She'll sit in the home and eat. Her father is capable of feeding her. You don't need to get worried about her." Ramesh said sternly with an angry glare.

"Till when? She has to get married even after few years. You can't get to let her stay with you for the rest of her life, nope!" She asked. They both were arguing themselves and completely forgot about kaveri whose soul was already ready to left from her body.

"I'll get her married but not now, it's too soon." Her father tried to convince again.

"I'm not getting her married today or tomorrow. It takes time to get a good match. If we start now, it would happen in one or two years. If we find a good match then only we will proceed further." She has answers for all of her husband's questions.

Anitha knows she was forcing her daughter and husband into this. But she has no choice either. She wants her daughter to be independent and stand on her feet. But kaveri has no liking towards studies, without studies there would be no job and career in this competitive world. Ramesh was an ordinary bank clerk with average salary of just 35000/- per month. The house expenses are very much. But it's a relief they have their own house otherwise it would be too much to handle the expenses along with rent. This is why she filled her front yard with vegetable plants to reduce atleast some expenses. They have to send some money every month to Ramesh's parents also who were living in another village.

She saved some money every month and invested as FD's in banks and RD's in post office. Ramesh and Anitha were already paying some LIC's on their names for their daughter's security. Still a mother's heart has fear of what happens to her innocent daughter. Since kaveri doesn't took care of herself, her mother wanted to get her married to someone who could take care of her like them, who could love her along with her stupidness.

Her father was already spoiling her way too much, perks of being an only child. But she can't be like that, atleast one parent has to be strict so that the child wouldn't get out of track. So she took the responsibility on herself and make sure to keep her daughter in check.

"I don't agree with you." Her father declared making Anitha sigh in defeat.

"Nanna! Did you swap my Amma in hospital when she gave birth to me. Why does she always make me do things that I don't want. Maybe we brought wrong Amma to home!" Kaveri whispered in her father's ears not so silently, to which her father laughed out loud and Anitha just rolled her eyes.

"More like my child must have been swapped in the hospital at the time of my delivery!" Her mother taunted back with a scoff.

"No way! Didn't you see mine and my nanna's eyes are same. And we have mole at same place. Look here!" She provided the proofs of being her fathers daughter immediately. At the end of the statement pointing her index finger at the mole which stood on the tip of her nose proudly and cutely. Her father also had a mole at same place. Her father just chuckled at her cuteness. Her mother also couldn't control herself from giving a small smile.

But she was determined. Determined to get her daughter married in the next two years. Since her husband doesn't listening to her, she wanted to take her chance to make her daughter agree, then her father would automatically agree.

"Kaveri, bangaru thalli, won't you listen to your Amma. You don't need to get married right now. I just want to start the search. It would take much more time to get a good match." She tried to explain carefully like she was talking to a five year old.

(Bangaru thalli means golden child, it's a telugu endearment)

"No Amma, I don't want to get married." Kaveri declared making her father gave a victory smirk to her mother. Her mother just gave him a look which tells 'this isn't finished yet'.

"It's okay! I just wanted to gift you something if you agreed to get married. Since you don't want it leave it." Her mother started disappointedly and started to collect the empty, dirty dishes to carry them back to kitchen.

"What the gift Amma?" Kaveri asked curiously.

"You don't want to get married nope! So what would you do even if you learn about that." She taunted her and started to leave for the kitchen.

"Amma! Please tell me nope!" She followed her mother to kitchen and then again to living room like a puppy.

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Till the next chapter namasthe ❤️ byebye 🙏

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