Chapter One: The Start Of It All

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Roman was just your average Freshman. Or at least, he was pretty sure he was.

Currently, he sat in his chauffeur's car, his new backpack on his lap. His older brother, Remus, was in the front seat singing along to Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance which was playing over the car speakers, while Roman sat directly behind the driver's seat.

Remus pointed back at Roman during the 'Shut up and let me see your jazz hands' part, giving a wide grin. Roman did jazz hands, and chuckled, moving his head and legs in time with the beat of the music.

Remus' music wasn't what Roman usually listened to, far from it actually, but listening to music with Remus was the only time he felt like he could really connect to his older brother.

A few more songs played before they arrived at school, nothing really notable, mostly just some Fall Out Boy and Green Day. Finally, they pulled up to the school, and Remus climbed out, swinging his backpack on his shoulder, and closing his door.

Roman managed to climb out of the car and get his backpack on fast enough to catch up to Remus.

"You got your schedule?" Remus asked, looking over the rim of his sunglasses at his younger brother. Remus had always been taller than Roman, which Roman hated, but he nodded.

"Yeah." he said, pulling his folded schedule out of his pocket, unfolding it, and showing it to Remus.

"Good." Remus pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked his messages. "I'm gonna meet up with Janus, text me if you need anything."

With that, he walked away, leaving Roman to fend for himself. Roman looked up at the school and took a deep breath. He's got this! He was gonna show this school what he'd got!

It didn't take long for Roman to find his way to his homeroom, since he had gone to the open house and memorized where his classes were. He didn't like being late, because it meant keeping people waiting, and Mother always said it was rude to keep people waiting. Roman didn't wanna be rude, so he always made a point to be on time.

The teacher, Mr. Pries, had assigned seats, and Roman's seat was at one of the desks near the middle of the room.

Roman set his backpack down on the ground next to his desk, and sat down, looking around and absentmindedly fidgeting his hands together. He was one of the first people in the room, so he got to see almost everyone as they walked in. There were a lot of people he didn't know, but there were a few he recognized from middle school.

He watched the classroom fill up and decided to pull out his sketchbook to keep himself busy until class started.

Roman sketched out the head of a person, not entirely sure who to draw, when suddenly he heard his name.

"Roman?" He looked up, Remus was in the doorframe of the classroom,

Janus behind him. Roman gave a wave but looked at Remus confusedly. Instead of leaving the classroom as he expected, Remus came further into the room.

"What're you doing here?" Remus asked, standing in front of his desk.

"This is my homeroom." Roman said, pulling out his schedule and handing it to Remus.

Remus grabbed the schedule and scanned it. "What the shit..." he muttered, looking down at Roman.

"Mr. Duke?" The brothers looked over at Mr. Pries. "I meant Remus." He said.

Remus handed the schedule back and walked over, his best indifferent look on his face. "Yes?"

"Here's the seating chart." Mr. Pries handed the clipboard with the chart over.

Teenage Heartthrob: The World is Out To Get Me: Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now