Chapter Two: Here We Go Again

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Cw: Bullying, public humiliation

Virgil had the worst luck in the history of the universe, or at least that's how it felt.

He panted heavily, opening the door to the main building, which he was very grateful wasn't locked.

His dad's car had broken down, causing Virgil to have to run to school to be on time. He was decent at running, but his house was a bit away from the school, so it was more than he was used to.

Virgil ran down the hallway, making his way to the doorway of his classroom, panting still. He basically keeled over as he entered the classroom, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Ah, Mr. Dean, how good of you to join us."

Virgil registered his teacher, Mr. Pries he was pretty sure his name was, saying. "Hello- Mr. Pries." he replied, managing to, miraculously, stand normally again.

Good gods, everyone was staring at him. Virgil barely registered as Mr. Pries spoke.

"You sit." he watched his teacher look down at what must've been a seating chart. "To the right of Roman Duke, Mr. Duke, raise your hand please."


Virgil turned his head in a flash, his eyes wide as his gaze turned to the boy. Oh gods. Virgil hadn't recognized him at first. Roman was missing his glasses, and Virgil didn't stop himself from staring.

See, Virgil had always had a little, itty-bitty, humongous crush on Roman, and seeing him now, his emerald green eyes looking at him, unfiltered by the lack of lenses he used to wear, Virgil felt himself falling even deeper.

"Is there a problem?" Mr. Pries asked, his voice a blade, cutting through Virgil's thoughts.

"Oh! No, everything is fine." Virgil reassured, before looking back at Roman, his face blushing brighter as he walked over to his desk.

Virgil dropped his backpack on the floor, glad to have it off his shoulders, and slid into his chair. He folded his arms and immediately slumped his head against them.

Virgil lifted his head, glancing over at Roman out of his peripheral, freezing when he realized Roman was smiling at him.

Roman had looked away, but Virgil felt the image of his smile burn into the back of his eyes for Virgil to look back upon.

Virgil was only half paying attention as Mr. Pries, so he didn't process the words, "...assembly on the football field..." until after everyone started standing up.

He stood up, and pulled his backpack onto his shoulder, going to move forward when something grabbed at the back of his collar.

Virgil pulled away, his anxiety in high gear as he turned around quickly. He had seen Joanas' smug face in the crowd of classmates, he was ready to attempt to stand up for himself, or at least high-tail it out of there, if needed.

"Calm down, Vee, it's just me." A familiar voice said.

Virgil visibly relaxed as he recognized the people behind him.

"Oh, hey Jan."

Janus and Remus, the only saving graces besides Roman at this school.

Janus had his signature smug look, while Remus had a crazed grin on his face, both with casually confident demeanors, as if they owned this space.

They both looked cool, so cool, and Virgil wished he could have a shred of their confidence.

"C'mon, I'm not trying to get yelled at on the first day." Janus said, shooing Virgil forward with a slight sweeping motion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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