The first day and I can't logout

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I was laying in my bed waiting for the servers to finally open, when they finally did I yelled "link start"

I had already created my character. My character was a tall medium build blonde haired male. I spawned in the town of new beginnings. I guess it's a pretty fitting name for the first place you spawn.

I opened my eyes and I was amazed at what I saw. This place was so detailed I loved this game already. I ran over to a vendor to check some prices on weapons and other stuff. It wasn't to expensive but it wasn't cheep either.

I decided I might as well go start leveling my character. I found a pretty good spot for leveling and the cool part is that it isn't on the map. The monsters in this spot were about level 3-4 so I had a tougher time killing them but u gained 2 levels within an hour of being on pretty good I'd say. I decided I'd focus my stats on strength and agility striking hard and fast.

I had about 4000 col it was enough to buy a better weapon but I figured I'd get 1 to drop from a monster instead of using money. I decided to try to get 2 more levels in so I went off in search of more monster I killed all the ones in this area already. I found a new spot pretty quickly so I got out my weapon and started fighting the new monsters I found. I killed a couple but I started getting rushed by groups of monsters so I got out of there.

I decided to check the time and I freaked out once I realized it was already 8:00. I opened my settings and went for the logout button but it wasn't there I decided to contact the gm but he wasn't answering. I figured someone must already be talking to him so I started walking towards town when I was teleported.

I looked around and there were people everywhere around me. I looked up and saw blood oozing from the sky. I was pretty freaked out by it at first. Then the blood started to take shape into a giant cloaked figure. The figure identified himself as the creator of the game Akihiko Kaiaba. He started talking to everyone about how he created the game without a logout button so we would be stuck in his little death game world. This was the man I used to worship for creating so many good games. I was mortified that this man would create a world to trap gamers in and force them to die for no reason.

He proceeded to tell us about an item he had gifted is all. Naturally I checked my inventory and there it was a mirror. I took it out and I was surrounded by light. When it was gone I looked into the mirror and It was me, from the real world my character had changed I was shorter now only 5" 8' and I had my blue eyes and I was now less built.

Everyone started to freak out but I noticed the barrier keeping us in here disappeared. I ran for it I made it to the exit of the town. I looked at the map and then I realized something, my sister had bought this game also. I turned around and ran as fast as I could back towards crowd I started looking for her but I couldn't find her could she, be did she die already. He did say at least 2000 died already. I looked down then started shaking. I was supposed to meat up with her. I then looked up and shook my head. "No she can't be dead" I growled out she's in here I can feel it I started calling out her name.

"Reyna reyna where are you" I shouted as loud as I could.

So that's it for the intro tell me if you guys like it leave a comment below and I'll gat back to you I'll probably update the story sometime later today or maybe tomorrow thanks guys

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