I find my sister

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I woke up and turned over a little bit. Sachi was sleeping quietly next to me. I got out of bed quietly and walked out of our room. I walked over to our coach and sat down on it. I opened my inventory and scrolled through it I had started blacksmithing so my inventory was really cluttered I was going to sell some of my gear to a merchant later so it didn't really matter but then a message popped up it was from Reyna. I opened it I started to read. Dear Eric I'm sorry I haven't found you yet but I'm on floor 38 in the town called takeda. I really miss you and hope to see you soon and merry Christmas big bro love lil sis.

I stood up and quickly wrote a note for Sachi saying. Don't worry I had to go up to a higher level floor today I'll be back in a few hours I love you Eric. I quickly equipped my strongest gear and ran out my door to the nearest town. Once I reached the town I went to the teleported and yelled "teleport takeda!"

I appeared in the town and looked around this town looked pretty nice there were beautiful homes and nice shops but none of that mattered my sister was here somewhere. I walked around asking people if they know a girl named Reyna they all told me no. I was beginning to lose hope when I saw a boy about my age I asked him "have you seen a girl named Reyna around here?" He turned around and said "yeah why?" I looked at him dumbstruck and said "take me to her please."

He walked me out of the town and into a dungeon we got to about the middle of the dungeon when I saw her she was tied up and gagged I ran over to her. "Reyna are you okay" I shouted while untied the ropes and took out the gag. "Big brother look out!" she shouted. I turned around and saw a red player trying to attack me. I pulled out my katana just in time to block I slashed at him but he dodged. That's when the green player that lead me here attacked me too. I blocked him and slashed him in half. He was really weak. Then I turned my attention to the red players appearing out of nowhere. I saw the man from before that killed my friend. He was apparently there leader. "Alex" one of the red players hissed. He looked over and slapped them across the face I took this opportunity to strike I hit 2 green players that were there. Turning my cursor red. I then proceeded to back and slash at them until only 5 were left they were the strongest of the group. "Are you done yet?" the leader Alex asked. "No I will never be done not until I kill all of you red players.

He looked at me and said "we are called the laughing coffin and all the people you just killed are our weakest members next time we meet you won't be so lucky." He hissed out at me. Then they all disappeared. I turned around and my sister Reyna was sitting on the ground crying. I helped her up "it's going to be alright Reyna don't cry I'm here now I'm just sorry I couldn't be earlier." I said to her comfortingly. She stood up "thank you big brother for saving me I thought they were going to kill me." She said between sobs. "I'm taking you home Reyna come hold my hand." I said. She came over and took my hand. I raised a teleport crystal and said "teleport Lucia." We were immodestly enveloped by light we appeared in the town and I walked her back to our house by the lake.

I opened the door and walked into my house. I heard something hit the floor then shuffling footsteps. "Eric is that you?" Sachi asked. "Yeah it's me Sachi come out here really quick. She came over to the living room and looked at Reyna in surprise. "Reyna?" She said

Reyna looked over and gasped "Sarah."

Okay guys that's it for this chalter hope you liked it leave comments thx for reading.

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