Chapter 10- Stopping at an island

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Marco and Thatch had talked with Whitebeard about the events from the night before. Whitebeard was also a little confused about this 'dream' but told his son to not worry about it as he was sure everything would be fine...

The sun was night and bright during this time, as they were coming close to a summer island so they could restock on supplies. Luffy had been very happy about it as he was also told that maybe he'd get to see his father as well. Dragon had also been stopping at this island and had heard the whitebeard pirates would be there, so he informed them of himself being there for if they were to see each other.

Luffy loved it when they stopped at the island as he got to run around and explore but there were still a few sad things to him, he wasn't really able to make friends with most of the kids as they didn't know him at all, all they knew was he was with pirates which scared. And then Luffy wasn't able to talk to his mother when stopped as no one could know about his little secret.

"Are we there yet..!" luffy whined to Thatch who was sure to get a headache sooner or later, and yes even though everyone loved Luffy he could give some people the worst headaches sometimes. But said person would just end up just leaving Luffy with someone else for a bit or just deal with it while trying not to span.

sigh* "We are almost there Luffy" "Look see! You can kinda see the island already." Thatch said, picking up Luffy and pointing out to the ocean where you could see an island being formed. Gasp* "Do you think Haruta will join this time? Haruta promised to come this time!" Luffy asked with a bright smile jumping down from Thatch's arms.

(Just so you all know I don't know what gender Haruta and so I tried searching it and the best I got was he so if i'm wrong can someone please tell me)

"Well that all depends on if he has all his paperwork and if Marco will let him" Thatch chuckled at the face Luffy made after he informed him of Haruta. "But why? If Haruta is done, why does Ma have a say in it?" Luffy asked, a little sad but also confused.

"Well bart, this is Marco we're talking about. And he's a mother hen and mother hens can be very mean sometimes." Thatch stated with a laugh, while Luffy nodded in understandment.

"Here, why don't you go and find Haruta and ask him yourself." Luffy, liking that idea left Thatch by himself on deck and ran off to find Haruta who had just finished his paper work.

Thatch sighed looking back out ti water but with a smile "while we are on the island please just in case, don't let Luffy do anything to stouiped with Haruta once we stop" Thatch asked the ocean goddess only to get some water to the face wrecking his hair a little.








Finally the ship docked and everyone with a task left to get said items needed or whatever it was theu had to do. Well that was beside Luffy who was off running to the island with Haruta.

It was funny, Luffy has like certain people he did things with and when they'd stop at an island Luffy would be with Thatch or Marco but most of the time Haruta as those to always found something to do or somehow make some small trouble when they'd stop.

But this time instead Haruta was kinda like helping Luffy learn more on how to fight as ever sense news of the whitebeard pirates have a child on board there had been more attacks as people started to believe that the whitebeard pirates were grewing weak so they added anyone they could who ended being a chil.

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