Russia and America

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The Britain's POV

I feel myself having goosebumps at Berlin's last words as everyone watches him leave the podium. Afterwards, chaos erupts on the ranks, as we countries just remain seated, a little shocked, even. I exhale. No hard feelings about it, I have learned to the time of Prussia that Berlin likes to provoke others with subtle gestures and sentences. I suppose he views it as a test of competence. But by the heavens, this time he was rather aggressive about it. My gaze wanders around the room, realizing that most others took the bait. Exactly what the capital wanted, bloody hell. I know that the USA is mentally still a child, but the others as well? Rather disappointing. With the treaty almost done, yet everything else going on, do I really have time to think about the union of Germany?
"I cannot believe he had done that! Who does he think is he?!" Ame sighs, visibly frustrated.
"You've been like that once too, young man. You still are like that, actually."
"It is something to worry about after the treaty is signed, behave yourself. We also have your siblings to worry about."

I return my gaze to the front, seeing how Austria and Switzerland sneak away too, very awkwardly. Amusing. North Korea seems to be fuming and China keeps his poker face, as the Soviet Union glares to the East Germany, lost in thought. I wonder what his thoughts are, he got East as his son now, after all. Does he feel betrayed? Angry? Sad?
I watch as some staff enter the hall to kindly guide us from our position in the spot light.
Like that, we leave the room and the staff keeps the journalists and Reporter, as well as other politicians from the ranks away from us quite efficiently. Impressive, really. Me and the other countries reach a room where we have some privacy and our social groups almost immediately separate to the opposing corners in the room. Quite ironic for that fact that we are not supposed to be enemies any further. I sit down, my son next to me. I feel him throwing a mildly annoyed glare at the Russians, as Russia accompanies his father. I don't believe that he and the younger Russian had contract though. I exhale too and lean against the wall. So much to deal with...
As if on cue, I feel tugging on my arm. West Germany. My boy. He seems unsure and a little sad, so I pick him up and put him between me and Ame. My eldest immediately lays an arm around in search of comfort for himself, I believe he is also quite tense. I see West gathering courage to speak, as his eyes are glued to the other corner of the room.
"Uhm... about what Berlin said..."
"What is with that?!" the US almost yells.
"America! Behave!"

"Is... Will there ever be a possibility?" West interrupts our arguing, his eyes big and watery. We both remain silent. 'You cannot prevent the unpreventable', he had said. Even if I don't want to concern myself with that, deep down everyone knows it's true. He was so confident about it too! I guess that Berlin has arguments of value, but I am not sure if I can trust him.
"We will have to discuss that later, dear. My apologies, but there is much going on right now that we can't do everything at once." I sigh and stroke his hair, and the small child nods. I feel relieved, seeing that he has more patience than I originally thought.

As I keep on cheering West up with head pats, as the Father that I am, Ame keeps glaring to us, seemingly a little jealous, yet he doesn't comment on it. This goes on for a few minutes until he silently pouts and turns his head away. I scoff in amusement, laughs a little as the tension in my body relaxes and I put my hand in his hair too, similar to Germany. The second I do it, the American screeches and flushes up in deep red, gaining the attention of everyone in the room immediately.
"Not in front of the rest, Dad!" he pulls my hand off his hair, very red. There are various emotions flying through the room, yet I stay unbothered. I just need to relax.
"Sorry." I chuckle, while taking my hand back.

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