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Adopted from NightSparkelss

Base by Aetherjay, colour by NightSparkelss

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Base by Aetherjay, colour by NightSparkelss

Base by Aetherjay, colour by NightSparkelss

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Base by Fizzy, colour by NightSparkelss

Name - Duskcatcher
Name meaning - Dusk, like the sun setting, and catcher

Tribe (s) - 100% NightWing
Abilities - Night vision, venom in teeth, velvety pads that absorb sound.

Age - 35

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Pansexual

Personality -
Theme song - Don't Come Down, The Maine
Overall - Enthusiastic in a calm way, and never fails to give it his all. He loves hanging around friends and shopping, and even though he doesn't get top grades, he's still really good at his work. He's scared really easily, and is an absolute coward when it comes to danger, but he's not very good at using logic either. However, he never fails to calm other dragons and he calls it his 'de-stress powers'. He can be quite funny, and makes jokes at his own expense to uplift others.
Good traits - Loyal, determined, generous
Bad traits - Cowardly, cautious, illogical
Development - After leaving school, Duskcatcher loses some of his previous innocence, and occasionally has breakdowns where he can't fathom how to stop worrying about everything anymore. Although he always manages to calm down, he is scared of having a panic attack one day without warning, but he hasn't told anyone this except his best friend.

Backstory -
Background -
Hometown - Renewal
Significant events -

- Meeting Feijoa in Renewal aged two
Influence on OC's life - Set up their friendship for years to come,


Family -
Biological Mother - Blackdrift
Relationship with her - It may have been her idea to send him to JMA, but he hopes it was just in his best wishes. Even if they had never got along, surely she didn't hate him that much.
Biological Father - Shadowscale
Relationship with him - Dusk always liked hanging out with his father, who made him feel loved and gave him a lot of fun.
Dragonets -
Rainscripter - Son
Celestial - Daughter (NocturnaSoyhee)
Crushes (Oldest to most recent) - Camu (just after graduating school), Ashlily [belongs to NocturnaSoyhee] (after meeting in the Sky Kingdom)

Health -
Mental health - He has to have therapy often himself, because dealing with other dragons' problems every day can be stressful
Physical health - A little unfit, but not harmful
Fears - Small creatures, especially bats
Illnesses (if applicable) - none

Quotes -
"That is just ridiculous. There is no such thing! As too much shopping!"
- To his best friend Marshall

"Scarves are for everyone!"
- As he gifts Ashlily a scarf

- "By the moons, by the moons. I think I love her, Marsh. No no, I think I love her. Marsh - Marsh this reaction is underwhelming."
- To Marshall, about Ashlily

- "Oh Clearsight.... I'm a father."
- To Ashlily about their newly hatched Dragonets

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