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Name - Gyrfalcon
Name meaning - A type of arctic bird

Tribe (s) - Ice

Age - 5

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Homosexual

Personality -
Overall - Gyrfalcon keeps his personality small and unassuming, often stuttering and acting shyly. He gets very flustered over his mistakes, and often wishes to melt into the ground. He's a huge soft boy, and a pacifist too - refusing to use violence in all instances. However, he is an incredibly loyal friend and will never abandon anybody, even if he is reluctant at first. His hesitant nature can leave to him being left behind or acting forgetful, which some other dragons find annoying. What Gyrfalcon wants most, though, is to be helpful. He shows his care and affection through gifts and company, attempting to prove his worth in every situation. He wants to be noticed, and wants to be useful.
Good traits - Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Caring
Bad traits - Hesitant, Shy, Flustered
Development - N/A (No book yet)

Backstory -
Background - As an egg, Gyrfalcon's parents were killed whilst they were on a diplomatic mission to resolve tensions. As a result of this, Gyrfalcon's egg and his sibling's went into an orphanage with many others - however this orphanage was destroyed by a snowstorm in a devastating event, and Gyrfalcon's egg was one of the few that made it out alive. He hatched alone, in the tundra, and would have died if it weren't for North, a male tribrid who turned up and took him in. North raised Gyrfalcon alone for the first few years, before marrying a male hybrid called Ivory, who became Gyrfalcon's second parent. The pair did everything they did to support Gyrfalcon, and he had a very happy upbringing... But he couldn't help but wonder what had happened to his parents, and to the other eggs that escaped the snowstorm. Because one of them might be his sibling.
Hometown - The Kingdom of Ice

Family and Friends -
Biological Mother - Skua
Relationship with her - Gyrfalcon never knew his mother, but he firmly believes she was a warm and loving dragon.
Biological Father - Avalanche
Relationship with him - Gyrfalcon never knew his father either, but he has heard tales about his achievements
Adoptive Father - North
Relationship with him - Gyrfalcon loves North deeply as his own father
Adoptive Father - Ivory
Relationship with him - Gyrfalcon respects Ivory and his fathers' relationship, and he very much enjoys Ivory's presence
Siblings - Petrel (sister)
Relationships with them - Gyrfalcon has never met Petrel, and doesn't know she exists.
Other relatives - N/A
Crushes (Oldest to most recent) - N/A

Fears - Being forgotten, being a burden, blood, the dark
Illnesses (if applicable) - N/A

Appearance -

Base by Phantom

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Base by Phantom

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