Clingy 🩷

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Summary: Jisung and Seungmin were separated for a week and as soon as they saw each other again Jisung wouldn't let Seungmin out of his sight.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." Jisung said as he buried his face into Seungmin's chest as he laughed. "It's only a week sunshine. I'm sure you'll be ok." He responded while chuckling as he caressed Jisung's hair.

"I don't know how I'm gonna survive!" Jisung exclaimed as he sat up on the bed and walked towards the cupboard. Seungmin quickly got out of bed as well and followed his boyfriend into the bathroom.

"Baby, I'm sure you'll be fine without any of us." Seungmin comforted as he realised Jisung was now nervous. "What if I mess up though?" Jisung questioned as he could feel his anxiety rising. "Hey, look at me. You won't mess anything up." Seungmin comforted as he placed his hands onto Jisung's hips and soothingly rubbed circles onto his hips as Jisung took deep breaths in hopes to calm his rising anxiety.

"Ok. Now, go away, I need to shower." Jisung giggled as Seungmin dramatically gasped. "Ok then." Seungmin said as he walked out of their bathroom in the most dramatic way possible. "Bye you big baby." Jisung said as he watched Seungmin slowly walk out of the bathroom.

Just as Jisung finished getting changed Chan walked in. "Ji? It's time to go." Chan said worried. He knew how bad his anxiety could get if there were no other members around. "Really, already? Coming Chan." Jisung yelled as he walked out of their bathroom and grabbed his things.

"My baby's all grown up." Minho said as he wiped a pretend tear off his face as Jisung rolled his eyes. "I'm only gonna be gone for a week Hyung, but yeah, I'll miss you too." Jisung said warmly as he hugged Minho tightly.

Jisung said goodbye to the rest of the members and headed downstairs to where the bodyguards were. Tons of fans were outside screaming for him and, not surprising, Seungmin who had followed him to ensure his safety getting to America, so yes, he rode with him in the car and followed him into the airport until swarms of fans came out of nowhere, so the guards knew they had to separate them.

It had been three days since Jisung left for America on his own for a fashion show and to perform his song Miserable. Seungmin had tried to call him every night, but Jisung was a busy man and could only talk for ten minutes max. 

Jisung being in a whole different continent was affecting Seungmin a lot. Jisung quickly made friends in America and had no problem posting them everywhere on his socials. Making Seungmin a tiny bit, no, a huge bit, jealous.

The last two days that Jisung was away, was like two years for not only Seungmin but also the other members. They realised he was the one that kept the conversation flowing.

They regularly sat in silence now as no one had anything interesting to say. The final hours until Jisung would be at the airport was like an eternity for everyone, including Jisung. Finally, he landed and called Chan to say he had landed safely.

Chan grabbed Seungmin and told everyone that they were going to go and pick up Jisung. They met at the airport, and it was adorable to say the least, since no fans knew when he'd be back in Korea, no one was there, not to mention it was also 1 in the morning. Seungmin and Jisung immediately ran up to each other as Seungmin spun Jisung around five times before setting him down and cupping his face.

"Baby!" Seungmin screamed as he kissed Jisung's face repeatedly. "Sunshine!" Jisung yelled giggling. "I missed you so much!" Seungmin shouted as he placed his head onto Jisung's shoulder as Chan cleared his throat.

"As much as I ship Seungsung, I mean I'm the biggest shipper, but we gotta go. Y'all can be adorable at the dorms." Chan said as he cooed at the sight of his first child with his second youngest. (dont be weird about this)

They all arrived back at the dorms and the rest of the members were ecstatic to see Jisung again, even though it had only been a week. After they all had their fun, they knew Jisung would be tired, so they let him go to bed, with Seungmin of course.

Seungmin woke up as the sun had made its way through the curtains, as he tried to get up, he felt an arm around his waist and neck. He looked down and cooed at the sight. His boyfriend was all snuggled up into his side.

He carefully unwrapped Jisung's arms from his neck and waist and made his way to the kitchen, seeing Felix, Changbin and Hyunjin. "Hey guys!" Seungmin said as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Hey Minnie!" Changbin said. 

They continued to talk for a while about their upcoming album release and fan signs when suddenly Jisung appeared.

"Seungmin." Jisung's voice suddenly interrupted them all. "Baby!" Seungmin yelled as he walked over to his boyfriend, surprised when he suddenly latched onto him. Changbin knew it was an opportunity to tease stays, and them, so he took about a hundred photos.

"Baby, I kinda wanna make breakfast but you're in the way." Seungmin said softly as Jisung moved around to back hug him and snuzzled his face into Seungmin's back. "Ok then." Seungmin giggled. He finished making breakfast for the both of them and made his way to the table. 

Seungmin immediately thought Jisung would let go because of how much he loved food, but as Seungmin was about to sit down Jisung tighten his grip on Seungmin's back.

"Sungie, you need breakfast. I promise we can cuddle all day and watch anime if you let go and sit down." Seungmin said softly, Jisung agreed but was very quiet. "Food good baby?" Seungmin asked as Jisung nodded.

"You ok baby?" Seungmin asked concerned. "Yeah, tired as hell and hungover as fuck." Jisung croaked out. Which explained why he was clingy and wasn't talking. "Oh baby. I told you that you can't handle alcohol and a hangover without me." Seungmin said as he stood up, placed a kiss on Jisung's head and took both their plates to the sink.

"Ok baby we can cuddle now." Seungmin said as he instantly felt that Jisung's eyes lit up. "Can we go to my bedroom please sunshine? I like my tv better." Jisung whispered as he back hugged Seungmin again.

"Of course, my love." He whispered back. "Hey Jisung you sleep well?!" Minho suddenly screamed as he happily walked into the kitchen as they were leaving. "He's hungover Min." Seungmin responded as Jisung pushed his head further into Seungmin's back.

"Ohhhh. Makes sense." Minho whispered. "Can we go now Minnie?" Jisung tiredly asked. "Of course, my love." Seungmin responded as they made their way to Jisung's bedroom. Seungmin felt Jisung let him go as he walked around him and flopped onto the bed. 

"Wow, you really are tired sunshine." Seungmin giggled as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Yeah. Americans go crazy." Jisung mumbled. "What anime do you wanna watch?" Seungmin asked as he got under the covers and opened his arms for Jisung to climb into.

"Maybe One Piece? I've been watching it recently." Jisung asked quietly. "Ok baby." Seungmin kissed Jisung's head and turned One Piece on. Within ten minutes of the first episode Seungmin heard faint snores from his boyfriend beside him.

Seungmin immediately whipped out his phone to capture the perfect moment of his peacefully sleeping boyfriend as Hyunjin and Felix knocked on the door. "Yeah?" Seungmin yelled quietly.

"Hey Seung, is Ji doing, ok? We heard he was hungover." Felix asked as he walked into the room. He cooed at the sight of Jisung snuzzled into Seungmin's side as Seungmin nodded. "Yeah he's ok, just tired." Seungmin responded. 

"Ok, me and Felix are the only ones home because everyone else decided to go out shopping and we were gonna go on a date so we were just checking on you guys." Hyunjin asked as Felix turned around and walked to the door. "Yeah of course that's fine." Seungmin responded as Jisung hugged him tighter.

"Awwwwwwww." Felix almost yelled. "Felix! You realise he's like a 5 year old, if you wake him, hungover or not, he's not gonna sleep!" Seungmin whisper yelled. "Sorry Minnie. We're gonna go now." Felix said as he grabbed Hyunjin's hand as he closed the door.

Seungmin giggled silently as he looked down at the perfect sight of his boyfriend. He soon fell off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~

Word Count: 1435 

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