The gift (Dreamworld 4)

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Captain Sweetheart glares from under her strawberry bangs, hateful eyes burning, “I’ll stop terrorising this stupid village. Just do me a favour and I’ll pack up” she huffs. Hikki raises an untrusting eyebrow.

“Just… get something valuable… like a gift... or something…” she trails off, cheeks burning rosier than her hair. The captain looks uncharacteristically embarrassed: sharp eyes cast away; lips drawn into a stubborn pout.

Giggles burst from Hikki/Omari’s side. Kel and Aubrey hide their mischievous grins - more so excited on Aubrey’s part - behind quivering hands, “Oooooh, getting a present for someone! How romantic!” the boy-wearing girl squeals, hands clasped together.

“Who’s the lucky fellow?” Kel’s words come off a lot more taunting, an amused lilt in his voice. He wiggles his eyebrows in response to the Captain’s scowl, “You better shut your trap or I’ll kill you!”

She raises her mace threateningly, a dangerous red glint in her eyes directed straight at Kel. Hikki/Omari comes between them before anything can happen, raising her hands placatingly.

“If a present was all you wanted, you could have gone to a shop and bought it,” Basil says quietly, nervously twiddling his fingers, "The bunnies here are hospitable. You didn't need to raid the place-" he startles and cowers behind Hikki in response to Captain Sweetheart glower.

She tilts her head to the side, anger morphing into… confusion? “Hmph, don’t be ridiculous. To get what you want you have to take it by force,” she huffs, tone berating Basil, “Why else would I be a pirate?”

Hikki/Omari sighs to herself. These people were far too eccentric for her. She pivots on her feet and waves forward. Her friends scurry to follow her.

Hikki/Omari hears a quiet, “Are you all alright?” from the captain. Her crew wave off her worries and clammer around her. Hikki giggles behind her hand, ignoring her friends’ questioning looks.

Maybe they weren’t so bad.

“So,” Kel starts, hands stretched behind his head, “Where are we going to find this present?” Hikki/Omari cranes her neck over the village, sighing in disappointment when small houses meet her instead.

“Let’s ask someone for help,” Basil suggests, “Now that their village is safe, they probably won’t run away from us.” A small bunny peeks from its door, timidly glancing over the group of four standing close by.

Aubrey notices its gaze and waves enthusiastically, startling the creature, “Mr Bunny! Wait! Don’t close the door, Captain Sweetheart won’t terrorise you any longer.” The bunny pauses, “She won’t?”

Hikki/Omari nods reassuringly, “Of course! We promised to help.” The bunny sighs in relief, little frame sinking, “Thank you so much!” More of the furry creatures start to leave their homes, apprehensively taking steps out before deeming it safe.

They thank Hikki/Omari’s group and offer little trinkets and items as gratitude. “Woah!” Kel says, turning and admiring the chunk of meteor in his hand, “How’d you get this?” The resident answers that it fell by some miracle close to their house. Kel grins, “I can already feel my luck increasing!”

Basil asquires a gardening hand fork, with better healing equipment for them. Though she’s a little concerned, they get some dynamite alongside sparklers, poetry books and presents.

Kel offers Aubrey a present, with the promise of a pet bunny inside. She grows angry upon looking inside and smacks Kel's grin off his face. Basil quickly tries to pry them apart.

They return to their picnic where Sunny awaits, "Any clues on Hero?” he asks, passing a sandwich to Kel who devours it quickly. Hikki/Omari shakes her head sadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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