1 - Peek of Her Past

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Mayu put away her garments into her laundry basket that's already full with her old clothes for the week. It's time to do the laundry, so she grab the laundry basket and walks towards the washing machine. She pour the load into the machine, put the detergent, turn on the machine before make sure the water is running.

Task for the week, done. At least that's what she thought.

Her eyes fixed on the wall when she heard her phone rings. Mayu sigh, before she put away the basket and opt to take the call. She read the caller ID before she picks up the call. 

"Hey." She yawns, deciding to go to the grocery store to buy some groceries to cook or simply go to the restaurant and eat? Both seems like a good choice.

"Miss Koyuki. Are you busy tomorrow?" His voice sounds like he wants Mayu to finish the job right here and now.

"I'm not, Shiu. Tell me, what it is?" Her pink eyes stare at the not so empty apartment that Shiu bought for her. He is kind enough to buy this apartment for her but of course, Mayu paid him back with cash that she earned from her job.

"Usual job. A kid has a bounty of 3 million on his head. You might as well interested." Mayu could hear Shiu let out a sigh, maybe he's smoking during the call.

"Tell me more. Was it worth to assassinate a kid?" She calmly grab her hair tie, tying her long white hair as Mayu make sure her phone didn't move from her shoulder and ear.

"That kid got a few people of this organisation. He's quite a threat actually." Shiu chuckles. Mmm, Shiu Kong. A mediator.

"Interesting. Any details of that kid, or you don't want to talk over the phone?" Mayu asks, as she decided that she might need to buy her groceries as soon as possible since she's going to be busy for the whole day tomorrow or perhaps a few days after this.

"I'll meet you tomorrow, sweetheart." Sounds like the usual he is.

"Mhm. Strictly business, please. I'm not in mood for the pet names. I'm calling you when I feel like it." Mayu cut his words short and simple, earning the usual chuckles that she often heard from the older man.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. At 8, my apartment." He said and Mayu agree. She hang up before she decided to grab her grocery bag. Mayu stand in front of the large mirror on her living room. She dye her hair black since her white hair makes her stand out in public.

She didn't want to earn any attention from those damn sorcerers anymore.

After she dye her hair black just by simple tricks, Mayu exit her house after she locked the door. Her journey to buy groceries is simple and nothing out of ordinary occurred. She saw a few curses here and there but it's not her problem anymore.

She left jujutsu world- being a sorcerer- and live like this. She got her money from works that has been given by Shiu, one of her friends. Was he's good enough to be call friend? Friend doesn't fuck each other's in their bored time. It's good that no string attached, but Mayu didn't want to bother Shiu so much because she ache for a dick.

Mayu graduated from Tokyo Jujutsu High as a grade one sorcerer, surprisingly. The only reason she left is because what the higher ups did to her family. Koyuki clan. 

Her clan are well known for their inherited technique, Ice Formation. Mayu heard some words Suguru Geto- also her kouhai the reason why the higher ups decided to annihilate her clan members, her family right after she went to Natori for a mission. She encountered a fucking special grade and nearly die in that fucking battle.

She went back to Jujutsu High, only to find Satoru Gojo talking with the higher ups. She's bleeding, bathing inn her own blood while fighter that mutating curse and she found out her family members are all gone. Die. They got slaughtered by cruel people.

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