November 2023 | »Lady Reaper Reianne« by @RFNasua

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It is very exciting to have RFNasua with us to feature their book »Lady Reaper Reianne« as our next book of the month! Underneath you can find the next interview where we talked about the author and their story!

It is very exciting to have RFNasua with us to feature their book »Lady Reaper Reianne« as our next book of the month! Underneath you can find the next interview where we talked about the author and their story!

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❝ My pen name is RFNasua, a hobby writer. In real life, I am a corporate lawyer. I long wanted to include dialogues in contracts, but my boss might not appreciate that. ❞

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❝ In writing the story, I wanted to explore and answer a question--what could people become once they are removed from their past traumas and bad experiences? Is being given a clean slate to move forward truly beneficial? There is no right or wrong answer, of course.

Aside from the above, the book has a Yin and Yang theme--the good in the bad, the bad in the good, which is represented by my main characters, Reianne and Gio. 

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❝ Past midnight and a dozen dizzy spells after, and I was again staring at the rooftop of Musa's Main Facility in my Reaper outfit, although in a lot worse condition than the first time. I raised trembling fingers to massage my temples to ease the painful pounding in my head while my other hand clutched DeathScythe tightly. Heaving one exhausted breath after another, I steadied my stance, willing my gaze to focus on where I should land.

Taking one unsteady step back after another, and despite my body's protests, I gave one final heave before sprinting, firmly planting my foot on the edge of the building for momentum as I jumped. I landed not so gracefully as I hoped, bruising my shoulder on impact as I rolled.

Grunting, I stood up and fell back on my knees when my surroundings spun. I stayed in that position, unmoving, while I wait for my vision to right itself again. All my four limbs were shaking at this point, vehemently objecting to my commands of movement. Breathing heavily, I straightened and stood up again despite the overwhelming exhaustion I was feeling.

I knew I was in no condition to fight. I also knew I couldn't give up.

Just one more thing to do then I could rest. Just one.

A blurred image sailed past my right and it was on pure instinct that I dodged, a metal baton missing my face by mere centimeters. Gripping DeathSycth tight, I plunged the blade into the man's torso, turning the hilt as I shoved it in a little more. Blood flowed generously from the man's body, coating the blade and the ground with crimson that glistened under the moonlit sky. The man fell onto the ground lifeless.

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