what friends are for /chp.8\

52 3 3

/Artemis' pov\

"I hate this" I say, laying flat on my stomach on my bed

"I know" says Sapphire

I look over to them "I feel like it keeps getting more and more painful"

"It seems that way" says Kiyo placing a water on my desk for me

"Do I have any more tests coming up?" I asked the twins

"We don't know" says Sapphire

"I don't think so since you just did this one yesterday" says Kiyo "your dad has to give you some kind of break"

"Yeah..." I say

"Guess we are going to postpone the meeting?" Asked Sapphire

"Yeah...." I sigh

"I can try to get in contact with them to let them know" Kiyo says

"Right those villains and what was the group called?" Asked Sapphire

"L.o.v.e" I answered for Kiyo

"Right" said Sapphire

"Yeah that club will be easier to tell, finding those villains will be harder" says Kiyo

"Tell me about it" I say since I spent like a whole night trying to find some or well the ones I wanted

"Well let's not worry about that right now" Said Sapphire while clapping their hands together "right now is about you and getting you feeling better!"

"Sure" I say

I felt weight be added onto my bed "it's going to be okay"

"Yeah, the pain or being uncomfortable doesn't last that long" says Kiyo

"Think on the bright side!" Says Sapphire "you can to plan a whole big mission! You!"

"Yeah, there are somethings my dad wants to me to do" I say

"But the rest is up to you!" Says Sapphire

"That is true' says Kiyo "this is our first one on our own without our parents"

"Yeah I guess" I say "I'm happy, I really am, the pain is....is ruining it"

I reach out my hand to grab the water, drank some and put it back

Kiyo helped so it wouldn't fall over ot off the desk

"I get that" says Sapphire

I nodded and yawned

"You should rest up" says Kiyo

"Yeah" I say yawning again "you guys are the best"

I started to close my eyes, drifting off to sleep....


.... Before being interrupted

"ARTMIS COME DOWN!" Yelled Victor from downstairs most likely

We all sighed


"Got damn it" I say and start to get up

"Artemis, we can say you can't" says Sapphire

I froze "n...no"

"We know what the answer will be and what will happen" says Kiyo

"Yeah plus...this is to get me strong, ready to take over" I say hopping off the bed

I almost fell but I caught myself

"Let me help you downstairs" says Sapphire

"I would but I think we all know what will happen" says Kiyo

'right the whole sickness stuff'

"It's fine" I say

Sapphire puts a arm around me as Kiyo opens the door for the two of us

"Thanks" I say to Kiyo

He nods and shuts the door once me and Sapphire are out of the room, then we start to make our way down the stairs

Where Victor is already waiting for us, I sigh one last time before meeting up with him to get going down stairs

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