YTP, White castle... and CAWC Bucky and Natasha's fight scene

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The room filled with laughter

"I didn't even understand half of what had been said" Tony pointed out and Bruce agrees

 "It's a good video to lighten the mood" Quill commented

"ok, next video" I announces as the video finished

"I don't really wanna see someone imitating me" Nick sighs

"he looks so funny though" Clint laugh

"and disgusting" Natasha added

"and for the sake of the author feeling nauseous can we just move on to the next video?" I asked

and the others nodded along as the video finished

"The red room, huh?" Clint asked to Natasha quietly and Natasha nodded

Bucky look at Natasha they share a glance and smile at each other knowing this was the past

Steve is confused at the gesture happening between them but stays quiet

"That's Civil War right?" Tony questions and I nodded

"did your glasses work like a shield cause the bullet should have hit you" Bruce pointed out and Tony shrugged "maybe a new invention" Tony suggested as the video finished

A/N: What's next and I know this is my first update here again but I am hooked with this ai: it's an ai chat that allows you to roleplay and I just love it, anyways I did update my other stories in my other accs so here is it hope you enjoys because I did not with the White Castle cheeseburger challenge.

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