Chapter 5

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Content warning: someone getting killed, someone killing, kids being tested, mention of killing someone, character passing out

Third person pov

8th august, 1999, Muichiro Tokito

He just wanted to kill them

Kill every single person that was hurting kids like him

"HEY!" Muichiro suddenly screamed, getting up from the cold floor, Genya and Aoi eyes widen from worry and surprise, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? TORTURING INNOCENT CHILDREN?" he kept screaming, he didn't even know why, it was so unlike him screaming like that.

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT?" the man yelled as he turned on the electric shock of Muichiro, but the young boy didn't react, he didn't move a single muscle nor did he scream in agony, was he fighting it not to give satisfaction? No.

He was so angry he couldn't even feel the pain

He threw himself on the guard, making both of them fall on the ground, then he took a sharp objects the guard had, he didn't see what it was, but he didn't care much, and he aimed for the neck, he stabbed the guard in the neck with a knife.

He continued to do so, stabbing the guard into the neck a few times, he released all his anger to that man while Genya and Aoi watched in horror. An alarm went off, that was when Muichiro stopped stabbing the man, instead four men entered the room.

Two of them took Muichiro somewhere else, while the two remained inside the cell. Muichiro was back inside the room of the day before, were they tested him for the first time, a man entered the room while the two men tied Muichiro to the chair.

"Oh my... didn't expect a newbie to kill a guard in two days"
"He's dead...?"
"Yeah, you killed him, congratulations!"
"I killed him? Hahahaha...HAHAHAHAHA"
"I see...proud of what you did?"

Muichiro felt a shocking pain in all his body, but this time despite the anger he could feel all the pain in his body "since you killed that man, it's only fair if we kill you two right?" The man said giggling seeing Muichiro in pain.

Muichiro heard another man calling the one that was in front of him "Kagaya, what do we do with the others?" "Oh don't worry! Just leave them in their room, they didn't do anything after all" so the man's name was Kagaya uh? That was good to know.

The machine stopped but Muichiro was still much alive, he was so angry at that man...what was his name again? Oh right...Kagaya, he got up from the chair, breaking the chains that were tied up to him, and screamed at the top of his lungs, loud enough so everyone could hear.


Muichiro screamed and he meant it, he meant every word that he said, that man didn't deserve to live, a man like him that only lived to kill kids, how did he dare? Kagaya assumed a angry and confused expression, after that Muichiro saw pitch black and passed out.

He woke up to his bed, he sat up and saw Genya sat up next to him, but he didn't noticed he was awake "Genya?" He asked, his swords came out with a crack, in fact half a word didn't come out, only 'Gen'.

"Oh my god Muichiro, you're alive!" Genya hugged Muichiro, was he suppose to be happy that he was alive or sad? "Ye...ah" his throat was hurting like crazy, like the rest of his body after all "your scream...I think everyone heard it" Genya said "everyone at lunch was asking about you" he added.

", lun...nch?"
"Yes! Lunch! Right now it's like 5pm"
"My good"
"Are you hungry? Do you want some water?"
"Yes, ho...ow do yo...ou lun...nch?"
"They gave us some food to give you"
"Don't force yourself to talk"

Genga got out water and a small plate of the grey stuff, if that could be called food, Muichiro drank some water and his throat felt like he just drank god's water because his throat was much better "were are...the others?" He asked as he looked around the room.

"Well...some times they let us out of the cell to go talk to other people, I didn't went tho, I was afraid of leaving you alone" Genya admitted, Muichiro was surprised, it looks like he didn't need to kill someone after all.

"I didn't know you were like that"
"I'm not...I just acted on impulse"
"Really? Wait can you still read minds?"
"I guess? I don't really know"
"Uhh...try to read my mind okay?"

Muichiro didn't even finished talking that he could hear Genya's voice loud and clear, thing that's was very unlike since he could only hear thoughts like they were far from him "oh my god...I think me reading minds just got more powerful? Or big? I don't know how to define it"

"Really? Oh my god? Already? Fuck" Genya said as he got up from the bed and started to walk inside the room in a circle, absorbed in his thoughts.

'oh my god he is already like this he is totally gonna die oh god it can't happen this early I should maybe ask Zenitsu what to do oh who am I kidding he probably doesn't even remember what are we gonna do?'

Genya's thoughts went down like a river, it made Muichiro's ears wanting to rip off.

'Why do they keep thinking about Zenitsu?'

Muichiro wondered before passing out completely, luckily there was Genya next to him.
Angry Muichiro>>>

He's a king for killing the guard tho


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