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I could feel all the colour draining from my face. This couldn't be happening. It would only take a moment for Wonwoo to realise that the others were using sign language, assuming he hadn't noticed it just now when Kai had translated for me.

And even if he hadn't and I turned to him now and reacted as if I'd heard his words and read his lips for the rest of the conversation, sooner or later he'd figure me out. Especially if the rainbow table were to engage in the conversation. At some point he would realise that something was off. With this many people involved it would be impossible for me to hide my hearing loss until the end. It would be an insult to Wonwoo's intelligence to assume otherwise. The boy was smart. At one point, he would put the pieces together and then I would have no choice but to hope he didn't tell Seungcheol on the spot. I was fucked.

Once again I was pondering my options and I didn't like them one bit. Remind me again, why did I think coming here was a good idea? Oh right, because I had been too much of a coward to confront Cheol about a second date. That's what I got out of it. For the second time, Seungcheol had made me put my introverted arse out the door and go in search of people. But unlike last time, Wonwoo wasn't a short man with unresolved anger issues with whom I had broken off contact without a word of warning, even though we had been best friends. That means it wouldn't be as bad this time, right? Right??

Stupid Jeonghan. Stupid, stupid Jeonghan. What had I been thinking?!!

As I was still staring thunderstruck at Kai without really seeing him, it took me a while to realise that he was trying to get my attention. "What?" I mouthed. "Do something!" he mouthed back. "But I don't know what!" "You wanted to talk to him, so TALK to him!" "But he's going to find out!" "And what about it? Wonwoo's cool. You'll be fine!"  Easy for him to say, although on a second thought Kai might actually have a point there. It could really be fine.

"But what if he tells Cheol?" I signed out my concern. "Who?" "Ugh, never mind!" Annoyed, I ran my fingers through my hair. I really didn't want him to tell Cheol about my deafness. Especially because I wasn't deaf when it came to Cheol and I still haven't figured out why that was the case! I was so confused myself, I didn't need Cheol to be confused as well. Not when I was trying to convince him to spend the rest of our lives together.

Suddenly a hand waved in front of me and interrupted my thoughts. I looked back up at Kai."Turn around and talk to the poor guy! He looks so confused!"  I would be confused as well if the person I had just talked to wouldn't turn around and kept waving their hands in the air.

"And what the hell am I supposed to say to him?" That was the next problem. What in the name of Jackson Wang was I to say to him? How do you start a conversation with a guy you barely know?
"The fuck do I know? YOU wanted something from him so go ask about that or something."  Well, he's got a point there. Still, not as easy as it probably seemed. "Not that helpful!" I argued, "I can't just throw that at him right away!" Because I really couldn't. Did he really expect me to turn around and ask Wonwoo why Cheol hadn't ask me out on a second date yet? But then again, Kai didn't know what I had come here for. So he wouldn't know.

"Then talk about the weather. I DON'T KNOW OKAY?!"  My face turned completely blank. Did this man just suggest that I should talk to Wonwoo about the weather? The same Wonwoo who had overheard that I was looking for him for some reason? Not even I would buy that I had come here to talk to him about the weather.

"The weather? Seriously?" "I don't know either, okay. Just do something!" Kai kept signing more and more aggressively by the second. "Stop drawing so much attention to yourself!" I hissed. "Wonwoo will notice something is up!"

Kai looked guiltily at someone behind my back, presumingly Wonwoo. "Too late. I think he caught on to us." In case I still had any colour in my face, it just disappeared. Didn't I just talk about Wonwoo's intelligence? Practise what you preach, Jeonghan. I should have known that I couldn't talk to Kai in sign language for so long without being noticed. I was a naive idiot. There. I said it. But that didn't help me much either. I looked at Kai in panic, "What do I do???"

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