Chapter Three ~ Introductions

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It took quite a bit of focus to notice where the natural fog ended and a Värian under a mist Makutu began. The children crouched together near the circle of wilted lilacs, frozen like vulnerable prey. In mist form, they couldn't touch each other and if they kept trying to touch an object, they would cancel the Makutu. This included the ground. Kaiyennah would have to take them to a safe place before they made the Makutu wear off from simply trying to walk.

She went against all her instinct and floated up right in front of them where she knew the children would be able to see the outline of her body without a doubt. She wished she could say something, but clearly these children couldn't understand her language.

But even an incomprehensible word would be better than no sound at all. Unfortunately, in her misty state, she had no vocal cords, so she couldn't speak.

She pulled her legs up and drifted off just above the ground, doing her best to show the children how they would need to move.

One child finally drifted forward. Now hopefully, the others would catch on. Kaiyennah stood watching as the first child turned back to look at the other two who were still huddling together. One at a time, they both joined the first, who finally turned back towards Kaiyennah. They could follow her now.

With a rush of excitement, she led the children through the forest, hugging the edges of bushes where the fog collected, but making sure to stay visible even if it put her at risk. She looked back constantly to check that the children were still in mist form and still following her.

They had a long way to travel, up the world's spine to Kaiyennah's dwelling called Miarrah. In mist form, they could reach their destination by nightfall. It took very little effort to move a misty body, making it a much faster method of travel. Once the children grew accustomed to it, Kaiyennah increased her pace, and the children easily kept up.

Anyone walking by would think they were just a strong gust of wind. They passed trees and bushes by the hundreds; birds and squirrels and rabbits and even a few deer all looked up as they passed but didn't flee, showing no fear as the group of misty travelers flew by.

They hugged the edges of bushes and creeks, whooshing up the slight slope toward Kohatu Tapu, the holy stone of her people. The high king of Väria lived near Kohatu Tapu, in the capital city of Patapu.

The king had a mythical creature for a Companion. His whole tribe had tamed the mythical Companions. And any girl who learned how to Summon a mythical Companion could become a high princess and maybe have the chance to marry the high prince.

With their new quicker pace, they made it to Miarrah before the sun set.

She slowly lessened her pace until they were calmly drifting along. After a few more paces, she stopped completely and waved her hand to dismiss the Makutu that had allowed her to travel so safely and quickly. Her body vibrated from the sheer force of traveling such a long distance in such a small amount of time.

The children all followed her lead and appeared out of the mist. It gave her the impression that wherever they were from, maybe their sorcery worked the same as hers somehow. Did they use their spirit to cast their sorcery? With Circles like she did? After peering more carefully at the children, she noted that two of them had elaborate black circles with odd symbols in the centers, drawn directly on their skin. The boy in particular was covered in them. Maybe they used the odd symbols in their sorcery.

The children seemed rather weary, and Kaiyennah guessed they were hungry and sleep deprived. Mist walking left the body drained as well, and likely their first mist walk had taken its toll on them. Vespeera appeared at Kaiyennah's side, and she patted the large cat on his head. He immediately purred at her. It's good to be home, he said.

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