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I turned a little and felt Bez next to me.

My head cleared in one fell swoop.

Fuck. Had that really happened last night? Had I really told him what I really thought about him?


My heart totally started racing. How the fuck had that slipped out?

Yes, I liked Bez. Bez was the best person ever and damn he was incredibly good looking. But I couldn't just tell him that.

What if I'd gone too far? What if I took that step too far? What if I ruined everything between us?

It was just as well that Bez had stopped me, otherwise I would certainly have done something I would have regretted. Not that Bez was someone to regret anything with, but I had far too much to lose to really risk it.

Shit. And now?

I was lying next to him in bed as usual. I always did that. Bezzy was my best friend. But how in the world was I supposed to lie next to him now without it getting weird?

He had probably only let me sleep here because I was drunk. Otherwise he would have sent me away for it. He didn't want anything from me.

It was always like that.

God damn it we could practically lie millimeters away from each other and even then he wouldn't kiss me. He would never see me the way he saw all the other women he met at the countless races. All those beautiful women who didn't come with a little appendage in the form of a child.

I would never stand a chance with him. No matter how much I wanted to. No matter how much I sometimes saw a spark between us. In the end, there was nothing but friendship.

A friendship that I certainly wouldn't have wanted to miss. He was infinitely important to me.

But sometimes I wished for more.

But while I was still thinking about what I wanted to do now, a cell phone vibrated. It was on my bedside table and yet it took me a moment to find it.

I could see Pierre's name flash up and immediately got nervous before I could even answer the call.

"Pierre?" I breathed into the darkness of the motorhome.

Bez immediately sat bolt upright next to me in bed.

"Gia?" Pierre's voice sounded strained, "I'm sorry to wake you... But Paola...".

"What about her?" I could hardly breathe.

I let my little girl leave with him and something was immediately wrong. Marco also immediately tensed up next to me. His hand gently stroked my thigh. I knew what my little girl meant to him.

"She has... I think she has a fever. I don't know. She's been crying for a while now and she's so warm. I don't know what to do," he mumbles, "I've never had this before. What... what do I do now? I called my mom first, but she didn't answer.".

"I'm coming. Get her some fever reducer for children at the pharmacy. Give it to her. Try to give her some water and then I'll be there as soon as I can," I mumbled, running my hand over my face.

"No, you don't have to come. We'll manage. I'm her father and..."

"Maaaama.", it tore my heart apart to hear my daughter like that "I want to go to Mama.", she sobbed "And to Uncle Vale and Bezzy.", she cried.

"Oh." I could hear Pierre's heart breaking "Maybe I'll just come to you." he mumbled "I'll get my jet ready and then I'll come." he mumbled.

"Pierre...", I whispered, because I felt really sorry for him right now.

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