Chapter 68 - Meeting Designer Lia (3)

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After placing Luca in his room, Valentina sat in the living room across from Lia while sipping a cup of tea. The two women examined each other silently before Lia broke the silence.

"Miss Valentina, I"

"Please just call me Valentina." Valentina quickly interrupted.

"Then Valentina, I have a proposition for you. I assure you it will be extremely beneficial to you."

"Sure. Let me hear it." Valentina crossed her legs and gazed at the designer before her with an arched brow. Although she didn't think that Lia was a bad person, she seemed like a bit of an airhead, and she had no plans of promising to do something if fit would not be beneficial to her. Regardless of whether it was to Kaiser's friend or not.

When Lia saw the cold expression on Valentina's face as the other woman examined her, she felt a chill travel down her back. This was the expression of someone who was evaluating how useful she would be. Seeing such a look, Lia gave a smirk of her own. As one of the top designers in the world who was people constantly begged for attention and favors, it was a real change of pace for her. it made her glad that she had come here undercover.

"Well, I've been following you since a good amount of the entertainment news is trying to figure out who Valentina Salazar is and what makes her tick. There are conflicting stories and people are saying you've changed from the weak-willed crybaby with a terrible work ethic and no skills." Lia intentionally made her words harsh to see what kind of reaction Valentina would give her.

Unfortunately, she was destined to be disappointed. Valentina simply arched her other brow and sipped her tea before giving her a two-word response.

"Oh. And?"

"I think you're at the cusp of a good rebrand of your image. You have one major project out right now with great reviews so I'm sure you'll be working on more things and you don't really have an identity yet in the entertainment world. I want to exclusively contract with you as a stylist. I want to be the one you contract with to help create the looks that you'll have for the next year while helping you craft your persona."

"As a stylist? You mentioned that you're a designer. Why not as a designer? And why me?" Valentina asked curiously.

"While I am confident in my designs, I don't yet have the skills to tie you down to me as your exclusive designer. Besides, I am currently in a transitional phase and currently reworking my brand due to legal conflicts. I think I'll have more success being your exclusive stylist for now. As for the reason I chose you? For one, you're a friend of Kaiser's. But most importantly, I like your looks and appearance a lot. It fits my criteria for a muse. Long limbs, black hair, green eyes, a frail delicate appearance that can be cute or sexy, strong, or weak, aahhhh so pretty." Lia immediately began to gush, and Valentina watched Lia's gaze become unfocused as a crazed look appeared in her eyes.

"That perfect golden ratio is present. Although you're not quite my preferred height of 6'0, you're still tall enough to fully display the perfection of clothes and good tailoring. Ahhh, the symmetry of your face, the curvature of your nose, the lines of your body. I'm in love. I have so many ideas in my mind for how to dress you, you don't even know."

Valentina: "...." Luca my little nugget. You were absolutely correct. This person is so scary! How could somebody go from having a serious conversation to an extreme fan girl who was analyzing her body in 0.6 seconds? It was crazy!

When she saw Valentina's twitching face struggling to keep a smile, Lia immediately coughed and regained her cool with a slightly red face.

"Ahem, anyways what do you think? I'm not asking you to sign a contract with me now, I'm asking you to give me a chance to style you for one event and for you to evaluate me after that. Since you don't have a distinct image, I want to be the one to help you craft one at least in the beginning stage."

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