Chapter 28 - First Meeting (5)

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Valentina vehemently shook her head. No way no way no way.

"Thank you so much for your kind offer Mr. Grayson but truly I was just doing the right thing. I believe anybody would do the same. I would be extremely burdened if you gave me something for this. If you really want to give me something for this, I'd rather you find a way to force those kids to apologize to Luca. They said some really terrible things and it hurt his feelings. If you could make their parents suffer a bit as well, that would be an added bonus. As for my injury, I promise it looks worse than it feels. It was a little kid who kicked me so it's not that bad. I will properly get it treated so do not worry."

When Kaiser glanced at the area below the knee that had turned a scary purple color, he decided to let her lie go and not press the issue. Seeing her draw a clear line with her refusal, he took a step back as well.

"Okay, then please promise to share the hospital bill and recovery details so we can fully cover it. My brother will follow up. I insist on doing at least this much."

Seeing that he wasn't willing to give this up, Valentina nodded in acceptance, "Okay."

She then turned Luca so that he was facing her.

"Luca, it was so lovely to meet you but it's time for me to go home. We found your dad as well so you can go home and get lots of cuddles and hugs from him okay?"

Before she could even finish her words, the child started sobbing in a heartbroken manner. As his father tried again to pick him up, he continued screaming and crying while holding onto her clothes with a death grip. The harder Kaiser tried to separate them, the harder Luca screamed and cried.

Seeing the little baby screaming and crying until his face turned red and he was out of breath, Valentina's heart couldn't help but become soft. This was the second time tonight the child had been crying like this.

All Luca was saying while crying was 'Don't go. Don't go."

Valentina gently embraced the child and pushed Kaiser's hand away. As their fingers touched she felt a brief jolt pass from him to her. Ignoring the feeling, she focused on calming Luca by patting his back.

"Okay little nugget, I won't go so calm down okay? You'll make yourself sick from crying too much." As his tears calmed down, he rested his face on her chest and fell into a fitful sleep.

Kaiser and Valentina faced each other, and Kaiser sighed deeply while rubbing his head. He would rather deal with 100 business mergers at once than this situation. Valentina kept silent and waited for him to speak.

"Miss Valentina. It seems I have to ask you for a favor?"

"What is it?" Valentina replied. She had her suspicions about what he would ask but she wanted to hear him out.

"Would you mind coming back to my home to put Luca to bed? I'd like it if you could spend the night until his psychiatrist comes in the morning. Naturally, I'll call our private doctor to treat you tonight and I can give you any compensation you want. My child...." He sighed deeply.

"My child seems to have become very attached to you, so u have no choice but to ask."

Looking at the worry in his eyes as he looked at Luca in her arms, Valentina felt her willpower weakening. A handsome, tall man begging her softly with that kind of puppy dog look. Although she wanted to keep her distance...she caved. It's not because he was handsome, it was for the child.

"Luckily I finished filming today, so my day is clear for tomorrow. Let's do as you say but Mr. Grayson, I hope you handle any rumors that crop up if I happen to be seen with you. I'm trying to build a clean reputation in the industry, and I don't want to be caught in a scandal for doing a good deed."

When Kaiser Grayson looked at Valentina's face, he saw that she was completely serious. The green eyes were staring intensely at him as if to catch any pretense.

"Of course." Kaiser agreed. He kept his private life clean and had no thoughts of tarnishing it.

Glad that she agreed, he called his assistant and told him to bring a blanket, organize the car, and get the doctor to the house. As he was setting things up, Roman texted him.

- Roman: Doesn't seem like foul play to me. Seems like a coincidence. Tell her to get that leg checked out.

- Roman: I've tracked the different kids down; will get their parents and let you know.

- Roman: How's my darling Luca? Give him kisses for me and if the beauty is there, kiss her as thanks for me as well.

- Roman: why won't you respond to me? Are you making a move? 👀

Ignoring the back-to-back texts coming in, Kaiser turned to pay attention to the girl in front of him. She appeared exhausted as she leaned her head backward. Her foxlike eyes blinked slowly as she struggled to focus.

Thankfully there was a knock on the door and his assistant walked in with a blanket folded in his arms.

"Boss the car is ready downstairs at the private entrance."

"Good. Miss Valentina, shall we go?" Kaiser Grayson stood up and went to help her stand. As his hands briefly held her shoulder, he marveled at the frailness of her body. She was way too thin to be carrying Luca like this. He wanted to take his son away, but seeing the death grip on her dress, he tucked the blanket around his son to cover his body and face.

He slowly led Valentina to the private exit, bracing her body and allowing her to lean on him as they walked. His driver was waiting in the Rolls Royce truck. He gently opened the back seat door for her and helped her settle in, before entering himself.

Seeing his boss being subservient to someone else was a shock for Michael Fraiser, Kaiser's assistant for the last 10 years. He would have to reach out to Young Master Roman to find out what exactly was going on. Who was this woman? And why was his boss acting so weird?

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